University of Maine at Farmington 2021-2022 Catalog
***** DRAFT VERSION *****

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For informational purposes, our working notion of a Technology Module include the following:

  • a 1-credit course focused on a specific technology;

  • offered in Winter, May, and Summer terms (not Fall or Spring semesters);

  • an asynchronous, online class;

  • no minimum enrollment, but professor may choose a maximum enrollment.

Students consult with their faculty advisors for help in selecting appropriate courses to fulfill 
degree requirements.

Course Rubrics and Numbers

Course rubrics and numbers (e.g., ENG 123 or EDU 362) indicate the academic area of study
and the level of the course being offered. Numbers in the 100's usually signify beginning level 
courses, 200's intermediate level, and 300's and 400's advanced level.

Topics Courses and Independent Study Courses

In addition to the topics and independent study courses that are listed for various programs, 
academic departments from time to time may elect to offer topics courses (177, 277, 377, 477) 
or independent study opportunities (197, 297, 397. 497) at any level.

Academic Credit

Each course carries a certain amount of academic credit. Most courses will be two or four credits. 
A two credit course usually meets 90-100 minutes each week, and a four credit course usually meets 
180-200 minutes each week. Lower level 4 credit science courses usually meet 150 minutes a week
with a 110 minute lab. Many upper level science classes have longer labs. Some courses in other 
disciplines also include laboratory sections in addition to class time. The number of credits assigned 
to a course is indicated by the number in parentheses following its title. Students need to be aware 
that faculty generally expect them to spend at least two hours out of class preparing for every hour 
spent in class.

The student should be aware that the prerequisite(s) listed for a given course may themselves have 

Some courses are designated Pass/Fail option or Pass/Fail only. For further clarification, refer to the
Academic Policies section of this catalogue.

General Education Distribution Requirements
The following letters after a course number will be used to indicate which courses fulfill the distribution 
requirements of the UMF general education requirements. For instance, ENG 287H indicates that English 
287 will fulfill the Humanities distribution requirement.

H Humanities
A Fine Arts
N Natural Science
S Social Science
M Mathematics

For more information on general education requirements, see the Academic Programs section of this catalog.

All Course Listings

ACE 152 - Career & Major Engagement
ACE 194 - Career Development
ANT 101S - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANT 102S - Introduction to Archaeology
ANT 103S - Human Origins
ANT 202S - World Archaeology
ANT 210S - Latin America: Cultures and Contexts
ANT 215S - Social Problems and Social Change
ANT 220S - Peoples and Cultures of North America
ANT 225S - Andean Explorations
ANT 230S - Linguistic Anthropology
ANT 233S - Ancient North America
ANT 235S - The Culture of Capitalism
ANT 240S - Cultural Ecology
ANT 250 - Ethnography: In the Field
ANT 255S - Performance: Culture, Meaning and Society
ANT 260S - Violence, Warfare and Culture
ANT 265S - Climate Change and Society
ANT 270S - Ancient Latin America
ANT 275S - Gender, Sexuality and Society
ANT 277 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANT 300 - Food and Culture
ANT 310 - Field Methods in Archaeology
ANT 330 - Thinking Through Skin: Race in America
ANT 333 - Visualizing Culture Through Film
ANT 340 - Anthropological Theory
ANT 360 - Social Science Research Methods
ANT 365 - Medical Anthropology
ANT 377 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANT 397 - Independent Study in Anthropology
ANT 400 - Internship
ANT 460 - Independent Research in Anthropology
ANT 477 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANT 480 - Senior Seminar/Capstone in Anthropology
ARH 114A - Visual Culture I
ARH 116A - Visual Culture II
ARH 170A - Art and Ideas
ARH 177 - Topics in Art History
ARH 272A - History of Japanese Art
ARH 274A - Modern Art
ARH 276A - Contemporary Art
ARH 277 - Topics in Art History
ARH 280A - World Film
ARH 284A - History of Japanese Film
ARH 376A - History of Photography
ARH 377 - Topics in Art History
ARH 378A - Contemporary Japanese Film
ARH 397 - Independent Study in Art History
ART 112A - Digital Imaging
ART 115A - Drawing I: Drawing Outdoors
ART 119A - Introduction to Sculpture
ART 120A - C.R.A.P.P (Creative Relationship of Art and the Personal Politic)
ART 121A - Painting I
ART 163A - Improvising Sound and Music
ART 177 - Topics in Art
ART 209A - Installation Art I
ART 219A - Sculptural Experiments I
ART 220A - Film: A Cultural Affair
ART 223A - Robotic and Kinetic Art
ART 224A - Surrealism: The Permanent Revolution
ART 225A - Painting II
ART 226A - Painting off the Wall
ART 228A - Space and Place
ART 229A - Digital Photo
ART 234A - Interactive Web Media
ART 239A - Animation
ART 241A - Video I
ART 244A - Creative Imaging
ART 260A - Language of Performance
ART 264A - Art and Social Change
ART 277 - Topics in Art
ART 309A - Installation Art II
ART 319 - Sculptural Experiments II
ART 320A - Contemporary Theory and Practice
ART 323 - Robotic and Kinetic Art II
ART 324 - Surrealism II
ART 325 - Painting III
ART 326 - Painting off the Wall II
ART 328A - Space and Place II
ART 334A - Introduction to Interactive Web Media
ART 339A - Animation II
ART 341 - Video II
ART 344A - Creative Imaging II
ART 377 - Topics in Art
ART 397 - Independent Study in Art
ART 420 - Senior Seminar and Studio Practice
ART 430 - Senior Project and Studio Practice
ART 441 - New Media
ART 477 - Topics in Art
BIO 110N - Introductory Biology
BIO 130N - Tropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica
BIO 141 - The Living Earth: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity
BIO 142 - The Living Earth: The Cellular and Molecular World
BIO 150N - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 152 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 212 - Principles of Ecology
BIO 232 - Landscape Ecology
BIO 252 - Genetics
BIO 265 - Ecological Restoration
BIO 277 - Special Topics
BIO 294 - Forest Ecology and Conservation
BIO 351 - Microbiology
BIO 355 - Mammalogy
BIO 356 - Developmental Biology
BIO 363 - Evolutionary Biology
BIO 377 - Special Topics in Biology
BIO 383 - Aquatic Biology
BIO 390 - Biology Internship/Field Experience
BIO 391 - Entomology
BIO 396 - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
BIO 397 - Independent Study
BIO 477 - Special Topics in Biology
BIO 482 - Theory and Methods of Scientific Inquiry
BIO 497 - Independent Study
BUS 101S - Business, Society and Sustainability
BUS 130 - Introduction to Recreation
BUS 206 - Financial Planning
BUS 208 - Accounting Principles
BUS 210 - Principles of Management
BUS 220 - Principles of Marketing
BUS 222 - Hospitality Management
BUS 225 - Retail Operations
BUS 229 - Alpine Operations Leadership and Management
BUS 240 - Financial Management for Recreation Tourism
BUS 252 - Excel for Data Analytics
BUS 260 - Resort Management
BUS 277 - Special Topics in Business
BUS 310 - Human Resources Management
BUS 311 - Management and Organizational Behavior
BUS 315 - Human Resource Development
BUS 320 - Consumer Behavior
BUS 323 - Digital Marketing
BUS 326 - Social Media Marketing
BUS 335 - International Business
BUS 336 - International Management
BUS 337 - International Marketing
BUS 340 - Managerial Finance
BUS 345 - Investment Management
BUS 350 - Social Marketing
BUS 360 - Entrepreneurship
BUS 375 - Marketing Management
BUS 377 - Special Topics in Business
BUS 385 - Projects in Business and Economics
BUS 396 - Internship in Business
BUS 397 - Independent Study in Business
BUS 477 - Special Topics in Business
BUS 480 - Service Operations Analysis, Design and Management
BUS 491 - Strategic Management
CHI 101H - Elementary Chinese I
CHI 102H - Elementary Chinese II
CHI 115H - Chinese Culture
CHI 201H - Intermediate Chinese
CHI 277 - Special Topics in Chinese
CHI 377 - Special Topics in Chinese
CHI 397 - Independent Study in Chinese
CHY 110N - Elementary Chemistry
CHY 130N - General, Organic, Biochemistry for Health Sciences (GOB for Health Sciences)
CHY 141 - General Chemistry I
CHY 142 - General Chemistry II
CHY 241 - Organic Chemistry I
CHY 242 - Organic Chemistry II
CHY 277 - Special Topics
CHY 291 - Analytical Chemistry
CHY 374 - Biochemistry
CHY 377 - Special Topics
CHY 397 - Independent Study in Chemistry
CHY 477 - Special Topics in Chemistry
CHY 497 - Independent Study in Chemistry
COS 115 - Computing Across the Disciplines
COS 120 - Web Development
COS 140 - Introduction to Computer Science
COS 142 - Data Structures
COS 177 - Topics in Computer Science
COS 277 - Topics in Computer Science
COS 280 - Networking Using TCP/IP
COS 297 - Independent Study in Computer Science
COS 360 - Programming Language Concepts
COS 364 - Algorithm Design and Analysis
COS 372 - Computer Operating Systems
COS 377 - Intermediate Topics in Computer Science
COS 396 - Internship in Computer Science
COS 397 - Independent Study in Computer Science II
COS 455 - Database Systems
COS 470 - Computer Science Capstone Experience
COS 477 - Advanced Topics in Computer Science
COS 497 - Independent Study in Computer Science III
ECH 150 - Introduction and Observation in Early Childhood Education
ECH 192 - Introductory Practicum and Seminar in Early Childhood Education
ECH 201 - Language Development, Early Literacy, and Children's Literature
ECH 202 - Practicum and Seminar in K-8 Education
ECH 204 - Early Language Development, Literacy, and Children's Literature
ECH 232 - Social Science for the Young Child
ECH 250 - Infants and Toddlers: Development and Care
ECH 256 - Creative Arts and Technology for the Young Child
ECH 277 - Special Topics in Early Childhood Education
ECH 293 - Intermediate Practicum and Seminar in Early Childhood Education
ECH 333 - Reading, Language Arts, and Children's Literature in Grades K-3
ECH 336 - Development of Mathematical Concepts in Young Children
ECH 367 - Administration and Leadership of Early Childhood Programs
ECH 377 - Special Topics in Early Childhood Education
ECH 384 - Science Education for Young Children
ECH 397 - Independent Study in Early Childhood Education
ECH 402 - Diverse Programming in Early Childhood Environments
ECH 403 - Technology in Early Childhood Education
ECH 404 - Guidance in Early Childhood Education
ECH 405 - Assessment in Early Childhood Education
ECH 420 - Planning Environments for Young Children
ECH 430 - Theories of Learning and Curriculum Development
ECH 440 - Children, Families, and Communities
ECH 450 - Senior Seminar: Research in Early Childhood Education
ECH 460 - Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education K-3
ECH 477 - Special Topics in Early Childhood Education
ECH 490 - Internship in Early Childhood Education
ECO 101S - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 102S - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 228 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
ECO 230 - Behavorial Economics
ECO 260S - The Global Majority
ECO 277 - Special Topics in Economics
ECO 305 - International Economics
ECO 308 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECO 309 - Money and Banking
ECO 325 - Public Finance
ECO 377 - Special Topics in Economics
ECO 385 - Projects in Business and Economics
ECO 396 - Internship in Economics
ECO 397 - Independent Study in Economics
ECO 450 - Managerial Economics
ECO 477 - Special Topics in Economics
ECS 103 - Introduction to Teaching Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 205 - Addressing Developmental Differences in Young Children
ECS 207 - Supporting Social/Emotional Development in Inclusive Settings
ECS 275 - Intermediate Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 277 - Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 297 - Independent Study in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 372 - Instructional Strategies in ECSE Settings 1
ECS 373 - Advanced Practicum in Early Intervention
ECS 374 - Instructional Strategies in ECSE Settings 2
ECS 375 - Advanced Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 377 - Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 380 - Collaboration and Teaming within the ECSE Field
ECS 397 - Independent Study in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 404 - Supporting the Development of Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families in Natural Environments
ECS 476 - Assessment for Young Children At-Risk for Disability
ECS 477 - Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 479 - Internship/Student Teaching in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 497 - Independent Study in Early Childhood Special Education
EDU 102 - Experiences of Schooling: Foundations of Diversity and Knowledge in American Education
EDU 103 - Diversity and Social Justice Education 7-12
EDU 125 - Introduction to Theory and Practice in K-8 Education
EDU 202 - Practicum and Seminar in K-8 Education
EDU 222 - Learning with Technology in Secondary Education
EDU 223 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
EDU 224 - Practicum Field Experience
EDU 277 - Topics in Education
EDU 280 - Diversity and Social Justice Education K-8
EDU 302 - Design and Technology in K-8 Education
EDU 304 - Science Education K-8
EDU 307 - Teaching English Language Learners in Secondary/Middle Schools
EDU 308 - Texts and Teaching
EDU 310 - Teaching English Language Learners, K-8
EDU 321 - Teaching Methods for Middle School Education
EDU 330 - Young Adult Literature
EDU 331 - Mathematics Education K-8
EDU 332 - Social Studies and Global Perspectives K-8
EDU 333 - Reading, Writing, Language Arts, and Children's Literature in Grades K-3
EDU 360 - Secondary/Middle Science Methods
EDU 361 - Methods for Teaching Secondary/Middle Mathematics
EDU 362 - Secondary/Middle Social Studies Methods
EDU 363 - Secondary/Middle English Methods
EDU 370 - Art in the Classroom K-8
EDU 377 - Topics in Education
EDU 379 - Field Experience in World Language Education
EDU 389 - Advanced Practicum and Seminar in K-8 Education
EDU 397 - Independent Study in Education
EDU 402 - Philosophy, History and Cultural Diversity of Education
EDU 420 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for English Language Learners
EDU 422 - Reading, Writing, Language Arts, and Children's Literature in Grades 4-8
EDU 450 - Student Teaching and Seminar in Elementary Education K-8
EDU 460 - Student Teaching and Seminar in Secondary/Middle Education
EDU 477 - Topics in Education
EDU 480 - Student Teaching and Seminar in World Language Education K-12
EDU 490 - Student Teaching and Seminar for Health Education K-12
ENG 100 - Writing Seminar
ENG 116 - Intro to Poetic Forms & Devices
ENG 121H - Introduction to Linguistics
ENG 123H - Grammar: A Linguistic Approach
ENG 130H - Tropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica
ENG 150 - Creative Writing
ENG 152 - Creative Writing for Non-Majors
ENG 181 - Literary Analysis and Interpretation
ENG 200 - Professional Writing
ENG 201 - Public Writing
ENG 202 - Editing
ENG 203 - Essentials of Publishing
ENG 204 - Studies in Book Arts
ENG 210 - Fiction Writing
ENG 211 - Poetry Writing
ENG 212 - Creative Nonfiction
ENG 213H - Journalism
ENG 214 - Screenwriting
ENG 215 - Writing for Children and Young Adults
ENG 218 - Writing for the Stage
ENG 219 - Digital and Immersive Storytelling: Creative Writing Across Mediums
ENG 220 - Nature Writing
ENG 224 - Teaching English as a Second Language
ENG 230 - Writing/Teaching of Writing
ENG 250H - Shakespeare
ENG 251H - British Texts and Contexts I
ENG 252H - British Texts and Contexts II
ENG 263H - Studies in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century American Literature
ENG 265H - African American Literature and Culture
ENG 267H - Twentieth-Century American Poetry
ENG 272H - American Texts and Contexts
ENG 277 - Topics in English
ENG 279H - Multicultural Literature and Film
ENG 280 - Video Games as Literature
ENG 286H - Studies in the Graphic Novel
ENG 288H - Topics in Literature and Gender
ENG 291H - Twentieth-Century Short Story
ENG 292H - Human Rights Literature and Film: Global Perspectives
ENG 293H - Literary Nonfiction
ENG 295H - Female Body in Western Culture
ENG 296H - Postcolonial Literature
ENG 300 - Critical Concepts
ENG 310 - Advanced Fiction Writing
ENG 311 - Advanced Poetry Writing
ENG 312 - Advanced Nonfiction Writing
ENG 314 - Advanced Screenwriting
ENG 344 - Eighteenth-Century English Literature
ENG 345 - Romantic Era
ENG 346 - Victorian Literature
ENG 350 - English Novel
ENG 362 - American Environmental Writing
ENG 366 - Early American Novel, 1780-1900
ENG 367 - "Why Should We Be So Furious" - War and Violence in Colonial and Early America
ENG 370 - The Splendid Drunken Twenties
ENG 377 - Advanced Topics in English
ENG 380 - Transatlantic Eighteenth-Century Women
ENG 382 - Popular Genres
ENG 383 - Video Games and Identity
ENG 396 - Writing Apprenticeship
ENG 397 - Independent Study in English
ENG 401 - Seminar in Writing
ENG 430 - Experimental Narrative in Video Games
ENG 449 - Twentieth-Century British Literature
ENG 455 - Literary Theory and Cultural Studies
ENG 462 - Philosophy and Modern American Literature
ENG 463 - Colonial Americas
ENG 477 - Seminar Topics in English
ENG 481 - Early European Literature
ENG 491 - Capstone Seminar in English
ENV 110N - Introductory Environmental Science
ENV 130N - Tropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica
ENV 232 - Landscape Ecology
ENV 257 - Soil Science
ENV 265 - Ecological Restoration
ENV 277 - Special Topics
ENV 294 - Forest Ecology and Conservation
ENV 377 - Special Topics
ENV 383 - Aquatic Ecology
ENV 390 - Environmental Science Internship
ENV 397 - Independent Study in Environmental Science
ENV 477 - Special Topics
ENV 482 - Theory and Methods of Scientific Inquiry
ENV 497 - Independent Study in Environmental Science
EPP 131S - Conservation and Environment
EPP 204 - Introduction to GIS
EPP 207 - Environmental Field Methods
EPP 231S - Environmental Issues
EPP 235 - Physical Geography
EPP 238S - Forest Management: Science, Institutions, and Communities
EPP 244S - Mobile Mapping and GIS
EPP 304 - Environmental GIS
EPP 310 - Sustainable Development
EPP 320 - Environment, Economy, Society
EPP 331 - Nature and Society
EPP 340 - Sustainable Land Use
EPP 343 - Community Planning
EPP 396 - Internship in Environmental Policy and Planning
EPP 397 - Independent Study in Environmental Planning and Policy
EPP 450 - Research in Environmental Policy and Planning
FRE 101H - Elementary French I
FRE 102H - Elementary French II
FRE 191 - Conversation at French Table
FRE 201H - Intermediate French
FRE 206H - Oral Communication and Culture
FRE 277 - Topics in French
FRE 300 - Advanced French for Communication
FRE 301 - French Film
FRE 302 - People & Cultures of the Francophone World
FRE 303 - People & Cultures of France
FRE 377 - Topics in French & Francophone Studies
FRE 397 - Independent Study in French
FYS 100 - First-Year Seminar
GEO 103S - Peoples and Environments
GEO 104S - Global Transformations
GEO 105S - Earth, Wind and Fire: The Geography of Natural Hazards
GEO 131S - Conservation and Environment
GEO 200S - Geographical Imaginations
GEO 204 - Introduction to GIS
GEO 207 - Environmental Field Methods
GEO 212S - Latin America: Peoples & Environments
GEO 214S - Asia: Peoples & Environments
GEO 219S - Geography of Maine
GEO 231S - Environmental Issues
GEO 235 - Physical Geography
GEO 238S - Forest Management: Science, Institutions, and Communities
GEO 244S - Mobile Mapping and GIS
GEO 265S - Climate Change and Society
GEO 277 - Topics in Geography
GEO 304 - Environmental GIS
GEO 310 - Sustainable Development
GEO 320 - Environment, Economy, Society
GEO 325 - Geography of Health and Disease
GEO 331 - Nature and Society
GEO 334 - Political Ecology
GEO 337 - Environmental Regulations
GEO 340 - Sustainable Land Use
GEO 343 - Community Planning
GEO 377 - Topics in Geography
GEO 396 - Internship in Geography or GIS
GEO 397 - Independent Study in Geography
GEO 450 - Research in Geography
GEO 477 - Topics in Geography
GEY 101N - Environmental Geoscience
GEY 102N - The Dynamic Earth
GEY 103N - The Earth System
GEY 104N - Oceans: Ancient and Modern
GEY 177 - Special Topics
GEY 201N - Earth History
GEY 202 - Mineralogy
GEY 203 - Surficial Processes
GEY 251 - Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
GEY 252 - Introduction to Petrology
GEY 254 - Structural Geology and Tectonics
GEY 277 - Special Topics
GEY 302 - Advanced Petrology
GEY 303 - Climate Change
GEY 304 - Geochemistry
GEY 377 - Special Topics
GEY 397 - Independent Study in Geology
GEY 477 - Special Topics in Geology
GEY 496 - Senior Research Project I
GEY 497 - Independent Study in Geology
GEY 499 - Senior Research Project II
HEA 101 - Health and Society
HEA 102 - Group Fitness Instructor Training
HEA 105 - Guns and Glory: Understanding Gun Violence and Public Health Prevention Measures in the USA
HEA 106 - Violence Across the Lifespan
HEA 120 - Emergency Medical Response/Principles and Practices
HEA 123 - Contemporary Health Issues
HEA 125 - Health and Wellness Around the Globe
HEA 200 - Athletic Injuries: Prevention and Emergency Response
HEA 203 - Theory and Practice for the Personal Trainer
HEA 210 - Environmental Health
HEA 211 - Substance Abuse Prevention
HEA 212 - Stress Management
HEA 218 - Health Communications and Theory
HEA 231 - Child and Adolescent Health
HEA 241 - Nutrition and Exercise
HEA 243 - Nutrition and Obesity
HEA 244 - Nutrition Care for Children
HEA 245 - Nutrition and Ecological Concerns
HEA 250 - Women's Health
HEA 251 - Men's Health
HEA 260 - Public Health Biology
HEA 262 - Human Sexuality
HEA 277 - Topics in Health
HEA 296 - Practicum in Community Health Education
HEA 297 - Independent Study in Health Education
HEA 303 - Physiology of Exercise
HEA 310 - Principles of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
HEA 350 - Principles of Epidemiology
HEA 377 - Topics in Health
HEA 397 - Independent Study in Health Education
HEA 410 - Resource Management and Grant Writing
HEA 411 - Planning for Health Promotion
HEA 477 - Topics in Health
HEA 495 - Field Experience in Community Health
HEA 496 - Senior Capstone Seminar in Health Education
HON 100 - Honors Writing Seminar
HON 101 - First Year Seminar in Honors
HON 120S - History Road Trip
HON 175S - World Affairs Camden Conference
HON 180N - Interdisciplinary Science
HON 190M - The Natural Beauty of Mathematics
HON 201 - Social Justice: Responsibility, Reciprocity, & Respect
HON 202 - Contemporary Issues in Education
HON 203 - Hollywood's Portrayal of Education
HON 204 - Testing,Testing: Past, Present, and Future
HON 275H - Style and Substance
HON 277 - Special Topics
HON 305 - Honors Enhancement
HON 306 - Religion and Colonialism
HON 322 - Consumerism, Politics, and Values
HON 340 - Children and Political Violence
HON 377 - Advanced Topics in Honors
HON 397 - Independent Study in Honors
HON 477 - Topics in Honors
HON 497 - Independent Study in Honors
HON 499 - Honors Thesis
HTY 103S - United States History I
HTY 104S - United States History II
HTY 110S - Global History I
HTY 111S - Global History II
HTY 200 - Approaches to History
HTY 204S - Introduction to Caribbean History
HTY 208S - History of the Cold War
HTY 209S - History of Slavery in America
HTY 212S - Renaissance and Reformation
HTY 213S - Medieval Europe
HTY 214S - Spain from 1000-1700
HTY 220S - Women & Gender in Premodern Europe
HTY 224S - Cultural History of Spain
HTY 230S - Colonial America
HTY 231S - Revolutionary America
HTY 232S - Civil War and Reconstruction
HTY 233S - America's Age of Expansion, 1783-1848
HTY 234S - American Presidents
HTY 238S - America Since 1945
HTY 240S - Maine History
HTY 242S - The Great Depression and New Deal
HTY 246S - US Women's History
HTY 247S - History of Canada
HTY 251S - American Legal History
HTY 253S - Muslim World to 1600
HTY 255S - History of Children in America
HTY 256S - Roman Empire
HTY 259S - Colonial Latin America
HTY 260S - Modern Latin America
HTY 261S - History of Mexico
HTY 262S - Undeclared Wars
HTY 263S - Cold War America
HTY 271S - History of Medicine
HTY 274S - Mediterranean World 1200 to 1700
HTY 277 - Topics in History
HTY 310 - Revolutions in the Atlantic World
HTY 332 - The Turbulent 1960s
HTY 353 - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
HTY 377 - Topics in History
HTY 390 - Research Methods
HTY 396 - Internship in History
HTY 397 - Independent Study in History
HTY 400 - Research Seminar
HTY 450 - History Thesis
HTY 477 - Topics in History
IGS 101H - Introduction to International & Global Studies%u2014Humanities
INS 100S - Introduction to International and Global Studies (Social Science)
INS 101H - Introduction to International & Global Studies (Humanities)
INS 277 - Topics in International and Global Studies
INS 280 - Explorations Abroad
INS 377 - Topics in International and Global Studies
INS 397 - Independent Study
INS 400 - Capstone in International and Global Studies
JPN 110 - Modern Japanese Society
LIA 100 - Readings in Liberal Education
LIA 102 - Intensive English
LIA 148 - College and Life Choices
LIA 156 - Setting Your Course
LIA 177 - Topics in Liberal Arts
LIA 396 - Field Work and Experience
LIA 397 - Independent Study in Liberal Arts
MAT 010 - Basic Math
MAT 011 - Basic Algebra
MAT 100M - Introduction to Mathematics
MAT 103M - Mathematical Content for Elementary School Teachers I
MAT 104M - Mathematical Content for Elementary School Teachers II
MAT 120M - Introductory Statistics
MAT 132M - Precalculus
MAT 141M - Calculus I
MAT 142 - Calculus II
MAT 151M - Mathematical Proof
MAT 197 - Independent Study in Mathematics
MAT 220 - Data Analysis
MAT 228 - Applied Statistics for Non-Math Majors
MAT 241 - Calculus III
MAT 242 - Differential Equations
MAT 251 - Linear Algebra
MAT 275 - History of Mathematics
MAT 277 - Elementary Topics in Mathematics
MAT 304 - College Geometry
MAT 313 - Introduction to Abstraction
MAT 325 - Interest Theory
MAT 328 - Statistical Models
MAT 333 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics
MAT 352 - Abstract Algebra
MAT 363 - Mathematical Problem Solving
MAT 371 - Mathematical Probability
MAT 377 - Intermediate Topics in Mathematics
MAT 381 - Actuarial Probability
MAT 396 - Internship in Mathematics
MAT 397 - Independent Study in Mathematics
MAT 404 - Real Analysis
MAT 477 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics
MAT 497 - Independent Study in Mathematics
MEP 100 - Introduction to Engineering
MUH 150A - Contemporary Music: Connections to the Past
MUH 177 - Topics in Music History
MUH 250A - The Piano: Music, People, Histories
MUH 252A - Beethoven and the Romantic Rebellion
MUH 260A - Jazz: Music, Race, and Culture
MUH 277 - Topics in Music History
MUH 280A - Music and Sound In Italy
MUH 352A - Music 900-1900: Histories, Perspectives, and Cultures
MUH 353A - Twentieth-Century Music and Beyond
MUH 377 - Topics in Music History
MUH 397 - Independent Study in Music History
MUH 450 - Music History Seminar
MUH 477 - Topics in Music History
MUH 497 - Independent Study
MUS 100A - The Creative Habit: Project 1
MUS 101A - Fundamentals of Music
MUS 110A - Chorus
MUS 113A - Instrumental Ensembles
MUS 120A - Beginning Applied Music
MUS 121A - Piano Class I
MUS 122A - Piano Class II
MUS 123A - Group Instrumental Lessons
MUS 124A - Group Voice Lessons
MUS 149A - Composing Music I
MUS 160A - Global Perspectives in Music
MUS 177 - Topics in Music
MUS 201A - Theory and Aural Skills I
MUS 202 - Theory and Aural Skills II
MUS 209A - Alternative Tunings
MUS 220A - Intermediate Applied Music
MUS 241A - Improvising Music
MUS 249 - Composing Music II
MUS 265A - Sound as Art
MUS 277 - Topics in Music
MUS 300A - Creative Arts Management: Project 2
MUS 305 - Advanced Composition
MUS 320 - Advanced Applied Music
MUS 349 - Composing Music III
MUS 377 - Topics in Music
MUS 396 - Performing Arts Internship or Field Work Experience
MUS 397 - Independent Study in Music
MUS 400A - The Creative Project: Project 3
MUS 477 - Topics in Music
MUS 497 - Independent Study in Music
MUS 499 - Senior Project in Composition or Theory
PEC 100 - Foundations of Coaching
PEC 211 - Coaching Methods
PEC 219 - Athletic Management and Administration
PEC 225 - Physical Training Theory and Applied Biomechanics
PEC 277 - Topics in Physical Education Coaching
PEC 296 - Practicum in Coaching
PEC 297 - Independent Study in Coaching
PEC 397 - Independent Study in Coaching
PHE 010 - Health and Fitness Activity
PHE 177 - Topics in Physical Education
PHE 277 - Topics in Physical Education
PHE 297 - Independent Study in Physical Education
PHE 377 - Topics in Physical Education
PHE 397 - Independent Study in Physical Education
PHI 100H - Critical Thinking
PHI 101H - Contemporary Moral Problems
PHI 102H - The Age of Science
PHI 105H - Philosophies to Live By
PHI 110H - Philosophy of Education
PHI 111H - Environmental Philosophy
PHI 115H - Truth, Lies, and BS
PHI 120H - What is the Good Life?
PHI 140H - Self, Knowledge, and Society
PHI 170H - Art and Ideas
PHI 180H - Music and Philosophy
PHI 200H - Logic and its Limits
PHI 201H - Ethics
PHI 204H - Biomedical Ethics
PHI 205H - Philosophy of Science and Technology
PHI 210H - Philosophy of Language
PHI 220H - Constructing Our World and Ourselves
PHI 240H - Consciousness and Reality
PHI 277 - Topics in Philosophy
PHI 377 - Selected Topics in Philosophy
PHI 397 - Independent Study in Philosophy
PHY 101N - Descriptive Astronomy
PHY 110N - Elementary Physics:(Topic)
PHY 112N - Introductory Meteorology
PHY 116 - Energy, Physics, and the Environment
PHY 141 - General Physics I
PHY 142 - General Physics II
PHY 241 - Modern Physics
PHY 277 - Special Topics
PHY 377 - Special Topics
PHY 397 - Independent Study in Physics
PHY 477 - Special Topics
PHY 497 - Independent Study in Physics
POS 101S - Introduction to American Government
POS 121S - Comparative Politics
POS 136S - World Politics
POS 151S - Classical Political Theory: Ancient Greece to the Enlightenment
POS 200S - Public Policy
POS 201S - Public Opinion, Interest Groups and Political Parties
POS 204S - American Foreign Policy
POS 205 - Practical Politics:Campaign Practicum
POS 207S - State and Maine Politics
POS 210S - Presidency and Congress
POS 214S - Law and the Legal System
POS 218S - Tanzania: Ecotourism & Environmental Activism
POS 220S - Environmental Politics
POS 223S - East European and Russian Politics
POS 224S - Chinese Politics
POS 226S - Islam and Politics
POS 227S - African Politics
POS 233S - War and Peace
POS 252S - Modern Political Theory
POS 255 - American Political Thought
POS 262S - Italian Political History
POS 264S - German Political History
POS 266S - The Politics of Germany and Italy
POS 267S - The Politics of France and Great Britain
POS 277 - Topics in Political Science
POS 302 - Civil Liberties
POS 319 - Constitutional Law
POS 321S - Identity Politics
POS 322S - The European Union
POS 336S - Globalization and Governance
POS 351 - Political Activism and Advocacy Practicum
POS 352S - Contemporary Political Theory
POS 377 - Topics in Political Science
POS 396 - Political Science Internship
POS 397 - Independent Study in Government
POS 440 - Political Science Capstone Experience
POS 477 - Topics in Political Science
PSY 101S - General Psychology
PSY 104S - Parenting the Young Child
PSY 105S - Personal Development and Psychological Well-Being
PSY 106 - Self-Determination: Theory and Practice
PSY 107 - Psychology of Video Games
PSY 111 - Adolescent Psychology
PSY 177 - Topics in Psychology
PSY 198 - Theory and Practice Seminar I
PSY 202S - Psychology in Cinema
PSY 208 - Social Psychology
PSY 209 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 211 - Psychology of Learning and Behavioral Change
PSY 220 - Psychology of Gender
PSY 222 - Creativity and Intelligence
PSY 225S - Child and Adolescent Development
PSY 226 - Adulthood and Aging
PSY 230 - Death and Dying
PSY 235 - Introduction to Counseling
PSY 237 - Career Counseling
PSY 247 - The Psychology of Leadership
PSY 252 - Positive Psychology
PSY 259 - Evolutionary Psychology
PSY 275 - Statistical Applications to Psychology
PSY 277 - Intermediate Topics in Psychology
PSY 284 - Professional Seminar
PSY 298 - Theory and Practice Seminar II
PSY 300 - Transpersonal and Eastern Psychology
PSY 302 - Sensation and Perception
PSY 305 - Ethical Principles in Counseling
PSY 314 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY 315 - Physiological Psychology
PSY 317 - I/O: Personnel Psychology
PSY 327 - Diversity and Multiculturalism
PSY 329 - Child and Family Counseling and Psychopathology
PSY 347 - The Psychology of Persuasion
PSY 349 - Couples Therapy
PSY 350 - Personality Theory and Research
PSY 360 - Group Psychotherapy
PSY 377 - Advanced Topics in Psychology
PSY 380 - Seminar in Psychology: Autism
PSY 396 - Field Experience in Psychology
PSY 397 - Independent Study and Research in Psychology
PSY 398 - Theory and Practice Seminar III
PSY 400 - Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 425 - Sex Therapy
PSY 435 - Psychotherapeutic Methods
PSY 440 - Psychology and Law
PSY 455 - Crisis Intervention and Stabilization
PSY 477 - Specialized Topics in Psychology
PSY 480 - Advanced Autism
PSY 484 - Senior Seminar
PSY 496 - Internship in Psychology
PSY 499 - Senior Thesis
REC 103 - Principles and Practices of the River Industry
REC 104 - Principles and Practices of Camping and Hiking
REC 105 - Principles and Practices of the Golf Industry
REC 106 - Principles and Practices of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in Maine
REC 107 - Principles and Practices of Adventure Education
REC 132 - Recreation of Western Maine
REC 133 - Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management
REC 177 - Topics in Recreation
REC 277 - Topics in Recreation
REC 297 - Independent Study in Recreation
REC 377 - Topics in Recreation
REC 397 - Independent Study in Recreation
REH 110 - Introduction to Disability Studies
REH 112 - Lunatics, Lock-ups, and Lobotomies
REH 120 - Introduction to Social Services
REH 200 - Counseling and the Helping Relationship
REH 212 - Rehabilitation and Families
REH 215 - Writing, Research, and Evidence-based Practice in Rehabilitation
REH 220 - Multiculturalism
REH 222 - Mindfulness in the Helping Profession
REH 230 - Surviving and Thriving as Human Service Professionals
REH 240 - Expressive Arts Therapy
REH 242 - Animal Assisted Therapy
REH 249 - Psychiatric Rehabilitation
REH 250 - Introduction to Addiction
REH 270 - Vocational Counseling and Placement
REH 277 - Topics in Rehabilitation
REH 297 - Independent Study in Rehabilitation
REH 305 - Group Process in Human Services
REH 310 - Casework
REH 340 - Advanced Addiction Rehabilitation
REH 375 - Research Methods
REH 377 - Topics in Rehabilitation
REH 380 - Seminar in Professional Practice
REH 381 - Grantwriting
REH 395 - Practicum in Rehabilitation and Human Services
REH 397 - Independent Study in Rehabilitation
REH 420 - Trauma and Resiliency
REH 477 - Topics in Rehabilitation
REH 480 - Undergraduate Thesis in Rehabilitation
REH 495 - Internship in Rehabilitation and Human Services
REH 497 - Independent Study and Research in Rehabilitation
REL 100H - Introduction to the Study of Religion
REL 110H - Introduction to World Religions
REL 245 - Religion and the Making of American Identity
REL 250H - Mythology
REL 277 - Topics in Religion
REL 345 - Early Christian Literature
REL 377 - Topics in Religion
REL 397 - Independent Study in Religion
SCI 101N - Science Laboratory
SED 100 - Introduction to Special Education
SED 106 - Sign Language
SED 177 - Topics in Special Education
SED 209 - Practicum in Special Education
SED 210 - Assessment in Special Education
SED 215 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Classroom Management in Special Education
SED 216 - Universal Design for Learning
SED 222 - Understanding Students with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
SED 277 - Topics in Special Education
SED 301 - Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction in Special Education
SED 307 - Mathematics Methods in Special Education
SED 314 - Content Area Literacy Methods in Special Education
SED 320 - Transition, Advocacy, and Self-Determination
SED 360 - Teaching Children with Learning and Behavior Problems in the Regular Classroom
SED 361 - Teaching Students with Disabilities and At-Risk Conditions in the Secondary General Classroom
SED 377 - Topics in Special Education
SED 397 - Independent Study in Special Education
SED 409 - Advanced Practicum in Special Education
SED 419 - Assistive and Instructional Technology in Special Education
SED 429 - Individualized Positive Behavior Supports
SED 450 - Special Education Regulations and Practice
SED 460 - Student Teaching and Seminar in Special Education
SED 477 - Topics in Special Education
SHE 233 - Teaching Health in Elementary School
SHE 277 - Topics in School Health Education
SHE 330 - Foundations of School Health Education
SHE 377 - Topics in School Health Education
SHE 397 - Independent Study in School Health Education
SHE 433 - Curriculum and Methods in Health Education
SHE 477 - Topics in School Health Education
SKI 120 - Orientation to Alpine Operations
SKI 122 - Theory of Ski Instruction
SKI 124 - Ski Instruction Children (PSIA children level 1)
SKI 125 - Ski Instruction Adults (PSIA Adults level 1)
SKI 177 - Topics in Alpine Operations
SKI 197 - Independent Study in Alpine Operations
SKI 201 - Outdoor Emergency Care Certification
SKI 202 - Level II Professional Ski Instructors of America Preparation
SKI 277 - Topics in Alpine Operations
SKI 296 - Practicum in Alpine Operations
SKI 297 - Independent Study in Alpine Operations
SKI 396 - Internship in Alpine Operations
SOC 101S - Introduction to Sociology
SPA 101H - Elementary Spanish I
SPA 102H - Elementary Spanish II
SPA 201H - Intermediate Spanish
SPA 202H - Readings and Composition
SPA 206H - Oral Communication and Culture
SPA 277 - Topics in Spanish
SPA 300 - Advanced Spanish for Communication
SPA 301 - Hispanic Film
SPA 302 - People and Cultures of Latin America
SPA 303 - People and Cultures of Spain
SPA 377 - Topics in Spanish
SPA 397 - Independent Study in Spanish
TEC 101 - Introduction to Excel VBA
TEC 102 - Introduction to SQL
TEC 103 - Introduction to Python
TEC 104 - Introduction to R
TEC 105 - Data Visualization with Tableau
TEC 106 - Intermediate Excel for Business
TEC 107 - Data Analysis Using Excel
THE 100A - The Creative Habit: Project 1
THE 115A - Improvisation as Acting Technique
THE 117A - Contemporary American Theatre
THE 122A - Introduction to Scenic and Lighting Design
THE 177 - Topics in Theatre
THE 202A - Space Lab and Performance
THE 212A - Play Structure and Analysis
THE 242A - Costume Design
THE 252A - Directing Contemporary Theatre I
THE 260A - Language of Performance
THE 264A - Art and Social Change
THE 271A - Making Original Performance
THE 275A - Social & Political Theatre and Film
THE 277 - Topics in Theatre
THE 278A - Commedia dell'arte
THE 291A - History of Performance as Experiment
THE 300A - Creative Arts Management: Project 2
THE 352 - Directing Contemporary Theater II
THE 377 - Special Topics in Theatre
THE 396 - Performing Arts Internship or Field Work Experience
THE 397 - Independent Study in Theatre
THE 400A - The Creative Project: Project 3
THE 477 - Topics in Theatre
THE 497 - Independent Study in Theatre
WST 101S - Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
WST 249 - Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies
WST 266H - The Female Body in Western Culture
WST 267 - Gender and the Cultures of Globalization
WST 277 - Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
WST 297 - Independent Study in Women's and Gender Studies
WST 330 - Topics in Contemporary Feminist Thought
WST 377 - Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
WST 396 - Internship in Women's and Gender Studies
WST 397 - Advanced Independent Study in Women's and Gender Studies
See other years' Catalogs