University of Maine at Farmington 2021-2022 Catalog

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  CHY 110N - Elementary Chemistry

An introduction to the content, laboratory methods, and philosophy of science with an emphasis on the principles of chemistry and their application to topics in research and current issues in science. Each instructor will focus on a specific area of chemistry to allow more in-depth study of a particular sub-discipline or interdisciplinary topic. Topics of focus may include such areas as Biochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, or Forensic Chemistry (students should check course listings for current offerings). Cannot be used as elective credit toward the Geology track of the Earth and Environmental Sciences major. This course may be repeated for General Education credit when the topic differs. Every semester.

Credit: 4

  CHY 130N - General, Organic, Biochemistry for Health Sciences (GOB for Health Sciences)

This is a one semester lecture and laboratory course that covers the essential topics, methods, and skills of general, organic and biological chemistry for the allied health sciences.  Topics include atoms, bonds, reactions, kinetics, equilibria, acids/bases, organic functional groups, organic reactions, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolism. Suitable for non-science majors, for general education, or as a first chemistry course.  Not suitable for chemistry majors, biology majors, or pre-medical, pre dental, pre-veterinary, etc. majors. Once a year.

Credit: 4

  CHY 141 - General Chemistry I

The course covers light and its interaction with matter, atomic and molecular structure, stoichiometry, chemical bonding, gas laws, periodicity and thermochemistry. Environmental problems such as global warming, water and air pollution, and stratospheric ozone depletion will also be presented. Prerequisite(s): One year of high school chemistry plus one year high school algebra, science major, science education major, or permission of instructor. Every fall.

Credit: 4

  CHY 142 - General Chemistry II

Major topics include gas laws, kinetics, chemical equilibria, acids and bases, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics. Prerequisite(s): CHY 141. Every spring.

Credit: 4

  CHY 241 - Organic Chemistry I

A systematic presentation of the structure, properties, and reactions of the principal classes of carbon compounds, based on modern views of chemical bonding, thermodynamics and kinetics. Mechanistic and synthetic aspects of organic reactions are examined. The laboratory introduces students to the techniques of preparation, separation, purification, and identification of organic compounds, including spectroscopy. Prerequisite(s): CHY 141/142. Every fall.

Credit: 4

  CHY 242 - Organic Chemistry II

Continuation of a systematic presentation of the structure, properties, and reactions of the principal classes of carbon compounds, based on modern views of chemical bonding, thermodynamics and kinetics. Mechanistic, synthetic, and biological aspects of organic reactions are examined. The laboratory reinforces techniques of preparation, separation, purification, and identification of organic compounds, including spectroscopy, and introduces students to the methodology of reactions and the synthesis of compounds. Prerequisite(s); CHY 141/142 and CHY 241. Every spring.

Credit: 4

  CHY 277 - Special Topics

Covers specialized topics not covered in the chemistry curriculum. May be repeated for credit when the topic differs. Prerequisite(s): CHY 141 or CHY 142. Varies. 

Credit: 2-4

  CHY 291 - Analytical Chemistry

Principles and methods of classical chemical analysis applied to samples of environmental interest. Gravimetric, volumetric, and colorimetric methods are introduced, in addition to statistical analysis and sampling technique. EPA standard methods are used. Prerequisite(s): CHY 142. Odd spring.

Credit: 4

  CHY 374 - Biochemistry

The structure, physical properties, chemical properties, and functions of the molecules that constitute living organisms will be studied. Bioenergetics and metabolic pathways are surveyed. General laboratory techniques for separation, analysis and characterization of biomolecules are introduced. Prerequisite(s): CHY 241 or permission of instructor. Even spring.

Credit: 4

  CHY 377 - Special Topics

Designed to cover topics that would not normally be covered in the context of traditional chemistry courses. Course may be repeated for credit when the topic differs. Prerequisite(s): CHY 141/142 and other depending on topic. Varies.

Credit: 2-4

  CHY 397 - Independent Study in Chemistry

Independent study affords the opportunity for a student to construct and investigate a long-range chemistry-related activity under the direction of the chemistry faculty. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. (Pass/Fail option) Varies.

Credit: 2-4

  CHY 477 - Special Topics in Chemistry

The study of a specialized topic not offered in the usual curriculum. Varies. 

Credit: 2-4

  CHY 497 - Independent Study in Chemistry

Independent study affords the opportunity for a student to construct and investigate a long-range chemistry-related activity under the direction of the chemistry faculty. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. (Pass/Fail option) Varies.

Credit: 2-4

See other years' Catalogs