GEO 103S - Peoples and Environments |
Study of the human activities that occur in places. Emphasis on the spatial organization of cultural, economic, political, and demographic processes of the human landscape. (Pass/Fail option) Every semester.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 104S - Global Transformations |
An introduction to debate over globalization examining the geographical dimensions of intensifying global connections. Addresses both the pros and cons of cultural, economic, political, and environmental change due to market liberalization, job outsourcing, global governance, global cultural flows, new social movements and climate change. (Pass/Fail option) Every semester.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 200S - Geographical Imaginations |
This course provides an introduction to the ways that space and place have been imagined in art, philosophy, poetry, film, popular culture, environmental thought and geographic scholarship. We explore various methods of geographic inquiry and explanation in the process of investigating the key thinkers, practitioners and problems in geographic thought. The goal of the course is to prepare students for conducting innovative and exciting research. Every year.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 204 - Geospatial Information |
This is the first course in a sequence of courses that deal with spatial information. In this course students will acquire the skills necessary to read and interpret maps and aerial photographs. Basic data analysis techniques are introduced. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 212S - Latin America: Peoples & Environments |
This course introduces students to the human activities, environments, and characteristics of place in Latin America. Students will learn how Latin American landscapes and livelihoods have been constructed and are continually re-interpreted, through the study of culture spheres, landforms and climates, ecosystems, pre-Columbian groups, colonial histories, population patterns, social change, economic and political systems, and tourism; some of these themes will be addressed in film or literature. Attention will also be given to the important ways in which Latin American peoples and livelihoods connect with the United States and Maine. Every three years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 214S - Asia: Peoples & Environments |
This course introduces students to the human activities, environments, and characteristics of place in Asia. Students will learn how Asian landscapes and livelihoods have been constructed and are continually re-interpreted, through the study of culture spheres, landforms and climates, ecosystems, indigenous groups, colonial histories, population patterns, religious practices, economic and political systems, and tourism; some of these themes will be addressed through film or literature. Attention will also be given to the important ways in which Asian peoples and livelihoods connect with the United States and Maine. Every three years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 219 - Geography of Maine |
This course is an introduction to the physical, cultural and economic patterns of Maine. The notions of place and identity are explored. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 231S - Environmental Issues |
This course will examine the ethical, economic and cultural context of environmental issues from a geographic perspective. Case studies of policy and planning successes and failures will be used to understand the perspective of decision makers and stakeholders. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 235 - Physical Geography |
This course studies the forms and processes of the physical environment. Landscapes, climate, soils and vegetation are studied in their natural and human modified contexts with emphasis on spatial distribution. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 277 - Topics in Geography |
The study of a special topic in geography not offered in the regular geography curriculum. Prerequisite(s): Introductory level geography course or permission of instructor. (Pass/Fail option) Varies.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 304 - GIScience |
This is the second in a series of courses in which the student will use geographic information systems and global positioning systems to collect, analyze and represent spatial data. Every year.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 310 - International Development |
Study of development in the world's less developed regions. Focuses on education, health, population, and environmental sustainability, as well as development strategies, organizations, and criticisms of western-led development. Prerequisite(s): GEO 103S or GEO 104S or permission of instructor. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 320 - Economic Geography |
Analysis of the global economy with particular emphasis on place. Focuses on an understanding of the global economy's activities, as well as a critique of its impacts on various social and environmental processes. Prerequisite(s): GEO 103S or GEO 104S. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 325 - Geography of Health and Disease |
Health and illness occur within a cultural, economic and regional framework. This course uses geographic theories, methods and models, and epidemiological techniques to investigate patterns of health, illness, and health care delivery. Local case studies as well as international examples are used. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing, one geography or science course or permission of instructor. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 331 - Nature and Society |
This course examines the relationships between nature and society from a geographic perspective. Case studies of the factors mediating human/environmental relationships illustrate the theoretical and empirical problems confronting humans in their decisions regarding resource use and management. Prerequisite(s): GEO 231S, or permission of the instructor. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 334 - Political Geography |
Evaluations of the physical, economic, and cultural elements that characterize political interactions and policies at the local, national, and international levels, with emphasis on current problem areas. Prerequisite(s): GEO 103S or GEO 104S or POS 136S or permission of instructor. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 337 - Environmental Regulations |
This course examines the role of the local, state and federal governments in the regulation of economic and developmental activities. Students explore the economic impact of these regulations and the suitability to specific environments. Prerequisite(s): One geography or science course or permission of instructor. Every year.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 340 - Land Use |
This course addresses land use conflicts and land use controls, the history of urbanization and ownership regimes, and present-day property law and environmental regulation. Prerequisite(s): GEO 103S or GEO 104S. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 343 - Town and Regional Planning |
Study of planning theory and practice, including the history of professional planning, problems of towns and cities, the comprehensive plan, public participation, redevelopment, and the regulatory process. This class has a major project component involving hands-on exploration of innovative planning tools. Prerequisite(s): GEO 340S or permission of instructor. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 377 - Topics in Geography |
The study of a specialized topic not offered in the usual curriculum. Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |
GEO 397 - Independent Study in Geography |
An opportunity to pursue independent research into selected geographic problems under the direction of a faculty member. Prerequisite(s): Permission of division. (Pass/Fail option) Varies.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 450 - Research in Geography |
A course designed to be the capstone experience for students with a geography major or emphasis. The course concentrates on research design, field research and data collection, analysis and presentation of data for a topic in geography, and writing up finding in the form of a lengthy research paper. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing. Every year.
Credit: 4 |
GEO 477 - Topics in Geography |
The study of a specialized topic not offered in the usual curriculum. Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |