INS 100S - Introduction to International and Global Studies (Social Science) |
This course introduces the field of international and global studies. Integrating various disciplines, but with an emphasis on the social sciences, we explore knowledge and concepts that engage with pressing global and international issues. The particular content of the course varies by semester. Prerequisite(s): None. Every Fall.
Credit: 4 |
INS 101H - Introduction to International & Global Studies (Humanities) |
In this course, students will develop an appreciation for key issues and questions in the interdisciplinary field of International and Global Studies. Topics covered will vary according to the instructor and may include globalization, migration, (post)colonialism, (trans)nationalism, human rights, language, and diasporic identity. A variety of texts, representing literature, film, art, philosophy and religion, will be geo-historically situated and examined alongside relevant humanities and social science research and digital media. Pass/Fail option. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
INS 277 - Topics in International and Global Studies |
The study of a specialized topic in IGS not offered in the usual curriculum. Prerequisites vary with the topic.
Credit: 2-4 |
INS 280 - Explorations Abroad |
In this interdisciplinary course, students will study various aspects of a foreign culture, travel to another country, and meet in seminars to discuss their observations and reflect upon their experiences. Each student will communicate his/her new understandings through an appropriate medium such as: a collection of reflective writings, sketches, photo essay, web site, or multimedia presentation. A trip fee will be charged in addition to tuition. May be repeated up to a total of 8 credits. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing and permission of instructor. Every three years.
Credit: 2-4 |
INS 377 - Topics in International and Global Studies |
The study of a specialized topic in IGS not offered in the usual curriculum. Prerequisites vary with the topic
Credit: 2-4 |
INS 397 - Independent Study |
This course is designed to permit students to conduct an independent research project related to International and Global Studies. The research may be related to an IGS major’s capstone but not in place of it. All students conducting research involving human subjects must receive prior research approval. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (Pass/fail option.) Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |
INS 400 - Capstone in International and Global Studies |
This course will be cross-listed with an appropriate capstone course relating to International and Global issues. It is designed to provide a capstone experience for students with an International and Global Studies major. The students will produce original research on a topic in International and Global studies. They will provide a mid-semester plan and present their final research to the International and Global Studies Council. Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing. Every year.
Credit: 4 |