LIA 100 - Readings in Liberal Education |
An introductory course designed to acquaint new students with the principles that provide a foundation for liberal education at the university level. The course provides the academic focus for the UMF Summer Experience Program. Students will be meeting in both seminar classes and in smaller groups to discuss articles relevant to the liberal education topic. (Pass/Fail only.) Every Summer.
Credit: 1 |
LIA 102 - Intensive English |
Concentrates on composition skills required for success in college, emphasizing the process of writing and fundamentals of English grammar and usage. Students assigned on the basis of placement testing. Students must pass LIA 102 Intensive English with a grade of C- or higher in order to take ENG 100. Prerequisite(s): Placement test results or permission of instructor. Every semester.
Credit: 4 |
LIA 148 - College and Life Choices |
What sort of person do I want to become? What does success mean in my life? What can I do now to move in the direction I want to go? This course pursues answers to these and other questions through readings and group discussion about the meaning of life and the college experience. The course includes individual work on career planning and time management. The course can be especially valuable for students who are not very sure about what they want to do in college, or afterward. Students will figure out and write personal mission statements, their views on the meaning of life, and explanations of how their life goals relate to college and career plans. Prerequisites: none. Pass/Fail only. Every semester.
Credit: 2 |
LIA 156 - Setting Your Course |
In this course students learn how the choices they make determine their futures, and they refine their decision-making processes in order to achieve the outcomes they want. Beginning with a series of readings that offer complex insights into the meaning of life (excerpts from Bantu Philosophy, Dawkins’ Selfish Gene, Mill’s Utilitarianism, Nietzche’s works, Buddhist texts, and Sartre), students find and reflect on their own views. Through reading, writing, and discussion, they consider their definitions of a meaningful life, write personal mission statements, and articulate life goals. Other assignments are based on the topics of motivation, self-management, and learning skills. Every semester.
Credit: 4 |
LIA 177 - Topics in Liberal Arts |
Special topics in liberal arts not covered in the regular curriculum. Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |
LIA 396 - Field Work and Experience |
Exposure to practical problems relating to the student's academic major. The experience may include work for a social or governmental agency or for business or industry. Proposals should be developed in consultation with a faculty member and submitted in writing to the Dean of Academic Services for approval by the Integrative Studies Program Council prior to registration. At the conclusion of the work period, the student submits a comprehensive report on the experience to the supervising faculty member. Available only to students in liberal arts. No student is allowed to take more than sixteen credits in LIA 396. Credits will be allowed on the basis of 32 work hours for each credit. (Pass/Fail only) Prerequisite(s): Approval of instructor and the Integrative Studies Program Council. Every semester.
Credit: 4-16 |
LIA 397 - Independent Study in Liberal Arts |
Proposals are to be developed in consultation with a faculty member and submitted in writing to the Dean of Academic Services for approval by the Integrative Studies Program Council prior to registration. At the conclusion of the work period, the student submits a comprehensive report on the experience to the supervising faculty member. No student is allowed to take more than 12 credits of LIA 397. Course is designed for liberal arts students only, although other students may be approved upon the merits of their proposal. Prerequisite(s): Approval of instructor and the Integrative Studies Program Council. Completion of Independent Study Form. Liberal Arts majors only. Varies.
Credit: 4-12 |