MUH 150A - Contemporary Music: Connections to the Past |
With today's music as a departure point, this course will examine specific periods and styles of the past that have shaped contemporary music. Although some world traditions will be studied, the course will focus primarily on Western classical music as well as departures into progressive rock and alternative. A particular semester might deal with Beethoven and the elevation of art music, Gregorian chant and its connection to Eastern European composers, or minimalism and the crossover into heavy metal. Open ears and an adventurous mind are critical. Prerequisites: None. Every fall.
Credit: 4 |
MUH 177 - Topics in Music History |
Study of a musical topic, such as genre (opera, for example) or a period in music history. Includes the development of listening skills and an introduction to music historiography. Prerequisites: none. Varies.
Credit: 4 |
MUH 250A - The Piano: Music, People, Histories |
From the ancient Greek water organ to the Moog Synthesizer, Bach’s Goldberg Variations to Thelonious Monk’s “Round Midnight”, a child pounding chopsticks to a pianist tackling Beethoven’s Hammerklavier, the piano and its keyboard cousins are integral to our culture and history. Piano-playing ability or musical background are not required; openness to a diversity of music and sounds is. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status or permission of instructor. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
MUH 252A - Beethoven and the Romantic Rebellion |
The revolutionary social, political and artistic changes in Europe at the beginning of the nineteenth century played out in the music of the time as musicians engaged in dialogue with writers, politicians, visual artists, and other thinkers. This class will study the ideas of romanticism in the music of Beethoven and the composers who immediately followed him as well as how this music continues to change and shape our world today. A musical background is unnecessary, but a curiosity about history, philosophy, literature, music and the arts is required. Sophomore status or permission. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
MUH 260A - Jazz: Music, Race, and Culture |
Jazz is a uniquely American art form, inextricably tied to the African American experience. Throughout its history, Jazz has variously, and often simultaneously, been defined as both revolutionary high art and mindless entertainment, as both dangerously subversive and sonic wallpaper for economic elites; a multiplicity of narratives that directly reflects the virtuosic code-switching always expected of people of color in this country. This course will examine this complex history, with an emphasis on the voices of Black musicians and writers, and place the aesthetic and intellectual achievements of Jazz music in their social, political, and cultural contexts. No previous experience with music is required, however, as a listening intensive class, open ears and minds are a must. Prerequisites: None. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
MUH 277 - Topics in Music History |
Intensive study of a specific historical topic in music not covered in another course. Prerequisite(s): None. Varies.
Credit: 1-4 |
MUH 280A - Music and Sound In Italy |
A travel course engaging the sonic record of Italian history from Gregorian chant to today's music. Considered in an interdisciplinary context, the course finds connections music and sound makes with other fields such as art, literature, political science, etc. The course includes a formal academic paper written in multiple drafts due three weeks after returning home. Students should bring some type of listening device to download assigned music prior to the trip. Can be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status or permission of instructor. Every two years during the May term Italy trip.
Credit: 2-4 |
MUH 352A - Music 900-1900: Histories, Perspectives, and Cultures |
Study of the Middle Ages through the Romantic period for students seeking to integrate music into their understanding of history. Music is considered within its socio-political context, exploring interdisciplinary connections between musical style and structure with the art, philosophy, and history of the time. Open to students with strong interest in music, history, and interdisciplinary inquiry in the arts and across other fields. Prerequisites: Sophomore status or permission. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
MUH 353A - Twentieth-Century Music and Beyond |
Study of twentieth and twenty-first century western music for students seeking to integrate music into their understanding of history. Music is considered within its socio-political context, exploring interdisciplinary connections between musical style and structure with the art, philosophy, and history of the time. Although the primary area is classical music, the course will also examine rock, jazz, and other genres. Open to students with strong interest in music, history, and interdisciplinary inquiry in the arts and across other fields. Prerequisites: Sophomore status or permission. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
MUH 377 - Topics in Music History |
Intensive study of a specific historical topic in music not covered in another course. Prerequisite(s): None. Varies.
Credit: 1-4 |
MUH 397 - Independent Study in Music History |
Independent work on a special project of the student's choice under the supervision of a member of the music faculty. Acceptance of the proposal by the faculty member must precede registration. Prerequisites: Eight credits of music courses and permission of instructor. Completed Independent Study form. Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |
MUH 450 - Music History Seminar |
A seminar on topics related to music history as well as interdisciplinary connections to politics, society, and culture. The class will investigate specific topics determined by the faculty member and students. In addition, students will identify individual areas of research and write papers for submission at organizations beyond UMF, such as the College Music Society or undergraduate research opportunities. Prerequisite: two MUH courses. At least every two years.
Credit: 1-4 |
MUH 477 - Topics in Music History |
The study of a specialized topic not offered in the usual curriculum. Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |
MUH 497 - Independent Study |
Independent work on a special project of the student's choice in music history under the supervision of a member of the music faculty. The project must represent upper-level undergraduate research in music history, defined by the division. This usually includes projects submitted to organizations beyond UMF such as conferences or journals. Acceptance of the proposal by the faculty member must precede registration. Prerequisites: Sixteen credits of music courses and permission of instructor. Completed Independent Study form. Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |