PEC 100 - Foundations of Coaching |
Students are introduced to philosophy of coaching, psychology of coaching, educational values, and current issues relative to coaching. The ASEP (American Coaching Education Program) instructor certification is included in this course. Every fall.
Credit: 2 |
PEC 211 - Coaching Methods |
This course introduces students to the discussion and application of coaching theory and methods for instruction of fundamental skill development, training techniques, rules interpretation, player selection, practice organization, competitive strategy and officiating principles. The sport, or sports will vary by semester; current offerings include basketball, field hockey and soccer.
Credit: 2 |
PEC 219 - Athletic Management and Administration |
This course will introduce students to methods and systems used in organizing and administering various levels of interscholastic and intercollegiate athletic and recreation programs. The topics will emphasize: facilities, personnel, equipment, public relations, finances and risk management. Consideration of ethics, purpose and value assessment of athletics will be integrated throughout the course. Additional topics selected by the instructor. Required of all coaching minors. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of the instructor. Every fall.
Credit: 2 |
PEC 225 - Physical Training Theory and Applied Biomechanics |
This course introduces the student to exercise science and its application to athletic conditioning/training theories, philosophies and techniques. Course content emphasizes periodization/training cycles and applied biomechanical analysis. Students will learn to critique and design training plans. Required of all Coaching Minors. Prerequisite(s): Bio 150 or permission of instructor. Every fall.
Credit: 4 |
PEC 277 - Topics in Physical Education Coaching |
The study of a specialized topic not offered in the usual curriculum. Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |
PEC 296 - Practicum in Coaching |
This course is designed to offer students the opportunity to practice learned skills in a coaching environment while under the supervision of a trained coach. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Every semester.
Credit: 1-4 |
PEC 297 - Independent Study in Coaching |
Independent study provides an opportunity for a student to initiate, design and carry out a research project or educational activity under supervision of appropriate staff. Varies.
Credit: 2 |
PEC 397 - Independent Study in Coaching |
Independent study provides an opportunity for a student to initiate, design and carry out a research project or educational activity under supervision of appropriate staff. Varies.
Credit: 1-4 |