University of Maine at Farmington 2016-2017 Catalog
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Physical Education
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  PHE 010 - Health and Fitness Activity

This required course will introduce first-year students to the basic principles of physical fitness such as cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal health through: personal goal setting, routine physical activity instruction and supervision, health and fitness assessments, and ongoing evaluation and personal goal adjustments. Course objectives include exposing students to a variety of all the program offerings at the fitness and recreation center, and to also help them develop lifelong fitness habits and understanding. With supervision and guidance from the PHE Instructor, each student will participate three times a week for the full semester in a physical activity/exercise program that is appropriate for his or her current fitness and experience levels.  Students will be encouraged to try a variety of activities and to be involved in program design and development as the semester progresses. Must be taken during the first year. Every semester.

Credit: 0

  PHE 177 - Topics in Physical Education

A study of individual, dual or team sports, fitness activity, multicultural movement form, or coaching specialty. Topics may include volleyball, wilderness skills, self-defense, yoga, golf, field hockey coaching, or coaching women's sports. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. (Pass/Fail option) Varies.

Credit: 2

  PHE 277 - Topics in Physical Education

The study of a specialized topic not offered in the usual curriculum. Varies. 

Credit: 2-4

  PHE 297 - Independent Study in Physical Education

An opportunity to investigate selected topics or problems in physical education under the direction of a division faculty member. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (Pass/Fail option) Varies.

Credit: 2

  PHE 377 - Topics in Physical Education

The study of a specialized topic not offered in the usual curriculum. Varies. 

Credit: 2-4

  PHE 397 - Independent Study in Physical Education

An opportunity to investigate selected topics or problems in physical education under the direction of a division faculty member. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (Pass/Fail option) Varies.

Credit: 2-4

See other years' Catalogs