REL 100H - Introduction to the Study of Religion |
This course will introduce students to the study of religion from the viewpoint of two key issues; first, the question of what constitutes the subject matter of religious studies; and second, how religion can be-and has been-studied by scholars over the past 150 years. Every semester.
Credit: 4 |
REL 110H - Introduction to World Religions |
Historical and comparative study of beliefs, cultic practices, institutions and cultural impact of many of world's great religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Shinto, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity. Every semester.
Credit: 4 |
REL 245 - Myth and America |
In this course, students will explore the relationship between American history and mythology. Primarily, students will be encouraged to scrutinize the development of the religious vision of America as a nation with an exceptional destiny to fulfill, and to explore the ways in which it has exerted continual power over the American imagination. Particular attention will be afforded those communities of Americans for whom inclusion in the myth has historically been impossible or undesirable. Prerequisite(s): REL 100H. Every year.
Credit: 4 |
REL 277 - Topics in Religion |
The study of a specialized topic not offered in the usual curriculum. Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |
REL 345 - Early Christian Literature |
This course will be an exploration of many of the earliest extant Christian texts. It will involve a close reading of the New Testament Gospels in order to confront the complex issues and problems they present for scholars. Attention will then turn to a number of other texts, commonly referred to as Gnostic Gospels and Infancy Narratives, in order to explore their thorny relationships with the canonical four, as well as with one another. Prerequisite(s): REL 100H and one other REL course. Every three years.
Credit: 4 |
REL 377 - Topics in Religion |
Intensive study of a single topic in Religion. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Varies.
Credit: 4 |
REL 397 - Independent Study in Religion |
An opportunity for motivated students to explore topics of particular interest not offered in the curriculum or to pursue offered topics in greater depth. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and students must submit a completed independent study form. (Pass/Fail option) Varies.
Credit: 1-4 |