SPA 101H - Elementary Spanish I |
SPA 101H is an introductory course emphasizing the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. The course is designed for students with no previous background in the language. Course includes daily oral practice, grammar instruction, a lab program, and many learner-centered activities. (Pass/Fail option) Every fall.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 102H - Elementary Spanish II |
A continuation of SPA 101H, this course has increasing emphasis on reading and writing skills while continuing to develop oral skills practiced in Elementary Spanish I. This is a highly learner-centered course, with many active, hands-on activities. The course also emphasizes cultural study. Prerequisite(s): SPA 101H or placement exam. (Pass/Fail option) Every spring.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 201H - Intermediate Spanish |
An intermediate course designed to build and expand upon the skills acquired in Spanish 101H-102H. The course includes a brief but intense grammar review. The emphasis in the course, though, is on oral and written practice of the Spanish language, with much class discussion and role-play based on class readings, which are taken from literature and magazine articles. Prerequisite(s): SPA 102H or placement exam. (Pass/Fail option) Every year.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 202H - Readings and Composition |
This course focuses on the acquisition of close reading techniques in Spanish. This course will expose students to Hispanic texts and provide an introduction to different cultural and historical perspectives. It is also a theoretical introduction to the study of genres and their stylistic variations. Besides the critical training, this course also strongly focuses on the improvement of writing skills in Spanish. This course will specifically strengthen expository and analytical techniques for writing literary and cultural essays. Prerequisite(s): SPA 201H or placement exam. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 206H - Oral Communication and Culture |
This course includes reading and writing but will emphasize oral communication through listening exercises, expository reports, and class discussions about Hispanic culture. It aims to develop linguistic fluency and an appreciation of Hispanic culture. Prerequisite(s): SPA 201H or placement exam. (Pass/Fail option) Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 277 - Topics in Spanish |
The study of a specialized topic not offered in the usual curriculum. Varies.
Credit: 2-4 |
SPA 300 - Advanced Spanish for Communication |
In this course, students review and expand on the basic structures of Spanish, with particular emphasis on difficult grammatical aspects. They also work toward developing a more extensive vocabulary. The class will include intensive practice to strengthen oral and written expression. Readings may include literary and cultural texts, and assignments may include oral presentations and both creative and academic writing assignments. Pre-requisite: SPA 201. (Pass/Fail option) Every three years.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 301 - Hispanic Film |
This course offers a thematic and/or historic study of Hispanic Film and an introduction to visual vocabulary in Spanish. This course will expose students to the specificities of Third World Cinema and Hollywood cinema in their relation to Hispanic Film. It will also introduce students to the study of contemporary social and political issues pertaining to different Hispanic realities. It will emphasize oral communication through informal discussion of assigned films and oral presentations of clips. It will also strengthen expository and analytical writing in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPA 201H or permission of instructor. Every two years.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 302 - People and Cultures of Latin America |
Hispanic America (Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean) is a vast complex region, with diverse cultures, languages, geographies and colonial histories. In this multidisciplinary course we seek to gain an understanding of the area through popular culture, music, current events, history and film. Prerequisite(s): SPA 201H. Every three years.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 303 - People and Cultures of Spain |
Overview of the people and cultures that contributed to the making of modern Spain. Through readings of cultural history and selected literary texts, students will explore the forces, movements and powers that shaped the rich and varied cultural heritage of Spain. The geography, languages, art, literature and identity of Spain are among the topics addressed. Prerequisite(s): SPA 201H.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 377 - Topics in Spanish |
A course designed to explore in depth a particular subject, theme, genre of literature, generation, author, or other topic related to Spain or Latin America. Topic varies; please read description in course registration materials. Other Pertinent Information: May be taken more than once for credit if topic varies. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (Pass/Fail option) Every three years.
Credit: 4 |
SPA 397 - Independent Study in Spanish |
Independent study in Spanish offers the student the possibility of individualized work in Spanish, under the direction of a staff member. Selected topics may include aspects of the language, literature, and civilization of Spain or of other Spanish-speaking areas, including translation. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. (Pass/Fail option) Varies.
Credit: 1-4 |