University of Maine at Farmington 2016-2017 Catalog
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Sound, Performance, and Visual Inquiry
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  SPV 100A - Project 1
An interdisciplinary arts course considering historical, theoretical, and performative issues in the arts through exploration of a specific topic for the semester. Topics vary and can include such things as performance of a work or one written by the class, a series of exhibitions, study of a particular period, exploration of a concept, among many possibilities. This is the gateway course into the Visual and Performing Arts degree program, and is normally taken by VAPA majors in their first semester at UMF.  No prerequisites. Every fall.

Credit: 4

  SPV 163A - Improvising Sound and Music
This course explores the ideas, practices, and techniques of improvising with sound or/and music. Any kind of aural improvisation will be accepted as valid coursework, and students will be rewarded for their willingness to experiment and innovate.  This class is open to all and no prior music or sound experience is needed. Students have the option of signing up for this course under SPV 163A, ART 163A, MUS 163A, or THE 163A, but may only receive credit for one. Prerequisite(s): None. Every year.

Credit: 4

  SPV 260A - Language of Performance
This course challenges students to develop a greater understanding of the “language” of performance by exploring the numerous prisms (e.g. sound, image, space, language, text, etc.) through which performativity is/can be refracted.  Does a sound carry meaning?  What is the difference between space and place?  What does the presence of stillness suggest?  What does a piece of clothing reveal about its wearer?  How does light shift our perspective?  In order to foster a corporeal interrogation of these questions and others, this course will be run as an interactive workshop and seminar in which we will: engage in various forms of play; analyze and critically evaluate our ideas, arguments and points of view; and learn to apply course material to improve our own performance practices. Students have the option of signing up for this course under SPV 260A, ART 260A, MUS 260A, or THE 260A, but may only receive credit for one. Prerequisite(s): None. Every two years.

Credit: 4

  SPV 264A - Art and Social Change

This course challenges us to foster a historical, comparative, and tactile understanding of the relationship between art and social change.  How do artists address social issues?  Can art transform lives?  How can art serve as a force for encouraging ethical dialogue and action within the public sphere? How do we make our ideas and revelations actually matter within our collective place and space? Through lectures, discussions, presentations, and projects we will set about to engage ourselves with the work of contemporary artists who have addressed issues related to the environment, racial and cultural identity, human rights, healthcare, and social justice.

Credit: 4

  SPV 265A - Sound as Art
This course will explore the ways that musical composers, sound artists, and visual artists have composed with sound. Students will go through a process of reading, listening and creating in order to gain an understanding of how sound works, and can be used to achieve different outcomes for a viewer or listener. Students have the option of signing up for this course under SPV 265A, ART 265A, MUS 265A, or THE 265A, but may only receive credit for one. Prerequisite(s): None. Every year.

Credit: 4

  SPV 266A - Art: What is It Good For?

Art is foundational to human life.  But who said this and why?  Starting from this fundamental question, this course will gradually evolve to look at how different disciplines have (and can) use the arts to address the very concerns about social justice and equality that seem to be so crucial as the suspended state of global life brings us into closer contact with one another.

Credit: 4

  SPV 300 - Project 2

Students work in interdisciplinary groupings (art, music, theater, administration) as they prepare a project (performance, production, composition, journal, etc.) for public presentation. Although supervised by faculty, students largely work on their own, drawing on previous studies including working within a community. Prerequisite: SPV 150A or permission. Every fall.

Credit: 4

  SPV 396 - Arts Internship or Field Work Experience

This course is an internship or field work project that is in an arts related field. The course is intended to be used for students who are already engaged in an arts related degree and who could benefit from exposure to practical problems relating to the student's academic major. The experience may include work for a social or governmental agency, an individual, a campus arts facility, or for business or industry. Proposals, as well as confirmation from the potential internship supervisor should be developed in consultation with a faculty member and submitted to the department chair prior to registration. Credits will be allowed on the basis of 32 work hours for each credit. (Pass/Fail only) Prerequisite(s): Approval of instructor. Every Semester.

Credit: 1-16

  SPV 397 - Independent Study in Visual and Performing Arts

Independent study provides an opportunity for a student to initiate, design and carry out a research project or educational activity under supervision of appropriate staff. Varies.

Credit: 1-4

  SPV 400 - Project 3

The senior capstone, Project 3 is designed as the disciplinary complement to the interdisciplinary SPV 300 Project 2. Students in the Art History Visual Culture, music, and theater concentrations take Project 3 for four credits producing a work, performance, or paper appropriate to the discipline. Arts Administration majors take Project 3 as an internship in the field for eight credits. Although students usually work individually, collaborations are an option. Prerequisites: SPV 200, SPV 300, or permission. Varies.

Credit: 4-8

See other years' Catalogs