In all of its courses and programs, the University of Maine at Farmington defines a credit hour as an amount of work that reasonably approximates one hour of classroom instruction supplemented by a minimum of two additional hours of student out-of-class work each week for a full fourteen-week semester. Accordingly, in all lecture or seminar courses, it is our expectation that students will work on course assignments for a minimum of two hours outside of class for every hour they are in class.
It is understood that internships, practicum, student teaching, studio work, laboratory work, online courses, travel courses, May, summer, winter terms and other academic activities leading to the award of credit will organize student work in configurations which do not precisely match this definition. Nevertheless, the amount of student work required per credit hour in these courses or credit-bearing activities at UMF will reasonably approximate the amount of work required per credit hour in a standard lecture or seminar course, as above.