Students who have graduated from UMF may return to complete a second major for a period of five years after graduation. Students desiring this option must be readmitted to the new major and admission is not automatic. Students must satisfy the program requirements for the second major in the catalog at the time of readmission, including that 20 or more credits at the 200+ level for the second major must be earned at UMF. Remaining credits for the major must be done at UMF except when approved by the division. Students who have already earned a bachelor's degree do not need to complete any new general education requirements. Students completing a second major under this policy will not receive a second degree or diploma, but the second major will be added to the transcript for the original degree after the requirements have been met. Students desiring a second degree with a second diploma are referred to the “Degrees: Second Degrees” policy.
Students are advised that eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant is restricted to students who do not already hold a Bachelor’s degree. Students must consult with the Financial Aid Office to determine remaining eligibility for Federal Stafford loans and other types of financial aid.