University of Maine at Farmington 2016-2017 Catalog
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Students consult with their faculty advisors for help in selecting appropriate courses to fulfill 
degree requirements.

Course Rubrics and Numbers
Course rubrics and numbers (e.g., ENG 123 or EDU 362) indicate the academic area of study
 and the level of the course being offered. Numbers in the 100's usually signify beginning level 
courses, 200's intermediate level, and 300's and 400's advanced level.

Topics Courses and Independent Study Courses

In addition to the topics and independent study courses that are listed for various programs, 
academic departments from time to time may elect to offer topics courses (177, 277, 377, 477) 
or independent study opportunities (197, 297, 397. 497) at any level.

Academic Credit

Each course carries a certain amount of academic credit. Most courses will be two or four credits. 
A two credit course usually meets 90-100 minutes each week, and a four credit course usually meets 
180-200 minutes each week. Lower level 4 credit science courses usually meet 150 minutes a week
 with a 110 minute lab. Many upper level science classes have longer labs. Some courses in other 
disciplines also include laboratory sections in addition to class time. The number of credits assigned 
to a course is indicated by the number in parentheses following its title. Students need to be aware 
that faculty generally expect them to spend at least two hours out of class preparing for every hour 
spent in class.

The student should be aware that the prerequisite(s) listed for a given course may themselves have 

Some courses are designated Pass/Fail option or Pass/Fail only. For further clarification, refer to the
 Academic Policies section of this catalogue.

General Education Distribution Requirements
The following letters after a course number will be used to indicate which courses fulfill the distribution 
requirements of the UMF general education requirements. For instance, ENG 287H indicates that English 
287 will fulfill the Humanities distribution requirement.

H Humanities
A Fine Arts
N Natural Science
S Social Science
M Mathematics

For more information on general education requirements, see the Academic Programs section of this catalog.


For informational purposes, our working notion of a Technology Module include the following:

  • a 1-credit course focused on a specific technology;

  • offered in Winter, May, and Summer terms (not Fall or Spring semesters);

  • an asynchronous, online class;

  • no minimum enrollment, but professor may choose a maximum enrollment.

See other years' Catalogs