University of Maine at Farmington 2021-2022 Catalog
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ACE 152 - Career & Major Engagement
ACE 194 - Career Development
ANT 101S - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANT 102S - Introduction to Archaeology
ANT 103S - Human Origins
ANT 202S - World Archaeology
ANT 210S - Latin America: Cultures and Contexts
ANT 215S - Social Problems and Social Change
ANT 220S - Peoples and Cultures of North America
ANT 225S - Andean Explorations
ANT 230S - Linguistic Anthropology
ANT 233S - Ancient North America
ANT 235S - The Culture of Capitalism
ANT 240S - Cultural Ecology
ANT 250 - Ethnography: In the Field
ANT 255S - Performance: Culture, Meaning and Society
ANT 260S - Violence, Warfare and Culture
ANT 265S - Climate Change and Society
ANT 270S - Ancient Latin America
ANT 275S - Gender, Sexuality and Society
ANT 277 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANT 300 - Food and Culture
ANT 310 - Field Methods in Archaeology
ANT 330 - Thinking Through Skin: Race in America
ANT 333 - Visualizing Culture Through Film
ANT 340 - Anthropological Theory
ANT 360 - Social Science Research Methods
ANT 365 - Medical Anthropology
ANT 377 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANT 397 - Independent Study in Anthropology
ANT 400 - Internship
ANT 460 - Independent Research in Anthropology
ANT 477 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANT 480 - Senior Seminar/Capstone in Anthropology
ARH 114A - Visual Culture I
ARH 116A - Visual Culture II
ARH 170A - Art and Ideas
ARH 177 - Topics in Art History
ARH 272A - History of Japanese Art
ARH 274A - Modern Art
ARH 276A - Contemporary Art
ARH 277 - Topics in Art History
ARH 280A - World Film
ARH 284A - History of Japanese Film
ARH 376A - History of Photography
ARH 377 - Topics in Art History
ARH 378A - Contemporary Japanese Film
ARH 397 - Independent Study in Art History
ART 112A - Digital Imaging
ART 115A - Drawing I: Drawing Outdoors
ART 119A - Introduction to Sculpture
ART 120A - C.R.A.P.P (Creative Relationship of Art and the Personal Politic)
ART 121A - Painting I
ART 163A - Improvising Sound and Music
ART 177 - Topics in Art
ART 209A - Installation Art I
ART 219A - Sculptural Experiments I
ART 220A - Film: A Cultural Affair
ART 223A - Robotic and Kinetic Art
ART 224A - Surrealism: The Permanent Revolution
ART 225A - Painting II
ART 226A - Painting off the Wall
ART 228A - Space and Place
ART 229A - Digital Photo
ART 234A - Interactive Web Media
ART 239A - Animation
ART 241A - Video I
ART 244A - Creative Imaging
ART 260A - Language of Performance
ART 264A - Art and Social Change
ART 277 - Topics in Art
ART 309A - Installation Art II
ART 319 - Sculptural Experiments II
ART 320A - Contemporary Theory and Practice
ART 323 - Robotic and Kinetic Art II
ART 324 - Surrealism II
ART 325 - Painting III
ART 326 - Painting off the Wall II
ART 328A - Space and Place II
ART 334A - Introduction to Interactive Web Media
ART 339A - Animation II
ART 341 - Video II
ART 344A - Creative Imaging II
ART 377 - Topics in Art
ART 397 - Independent Study in Art
ART 420 - Senior Seminar and Studio Practice
ART 430 - Senior Project and Studio Practice
ART 441 - New Media
ART 477 - Topics in Art
BIO 110N - Introductory Biology
BIO 130N - Tropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica
BIO 141 - The Living Earth: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity
BIO 142 - The Living Earth: The Cellular and Molecular World
BIO 150N - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 152 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 212 - Principles of Ecology
BIO 232 - Landscape Ecology
BIO 252 - Genetics
BIO 265 - Ecological Restoration
BIO 277 - Special Topics
BIO 294 - Forest Ecology and Conservation
BIO 351 - Microbiology
BIO 355 - Mammalogy
BIO 356 - Developmental Biology
BIO 363 - Evolutionary Biology
BIO 377 - Special Topics in Biology
BIO 383 - Aquatic Biology
BIO 390 - Biology Internship/Field Experience
BIO 391 - Entomology
BIO 396 - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
BIO 397 - Independent Study
BIO 477 - Special Topics in Biology
BIO 482 - Theory and Methods of Scientific Inquiry
BIO 497 - Independent Study
BUS 101S - Business, Society and Sustainability
BUS 130 - Introduction to Recreation
BUS 206 - Financial Planning
BUS 208 - Accounting Principles
BUS 210 - Principles of Management
BUS 220 - Principles of Marketing
BUS 222 - Hospitality Management
BUS 225 - Retail Operations
BUS 229 - Alpine Operations Leadership and Management
BUS 240 - Financial Management for Recreation Tourism
BUS 252 - Excel for Data Analytics
BUS 260 - Resort Management
BUS 277 - Special Topics in Business
BUS 310 - Human Resources Management
BUS 311 - Management and Organizational Behavior
BUS 315 - Human Resource Development
BUS 320 - Consumer Behavior
BUS 323 - Digital Marketing
BUS 326 - Social Media Marketing
BUS 335 - International Business
BUS 336 - International Management
BUS 337 - International Marketing
BUS 340 - Managerial Finance
BUS 345 - Investment Management
BUS 350 - Social Marketing
BUS 360 - Entrepreneurship
BUS 375 - Marketing Management
BUS 377 - Special Topics in Business
BUS 385 - Projects in Business and Economics
BUS 396 - Internship in Business
BUS 397 - Independent Study in Business
BUS 477 - Special Topics in Business
BUS 480 - Service Operations Analysis, Design and Management
BUS 491 - Strategic Management
CHI 101H - Elementary Chinese I
CHI 102H - Elementary Chinese II
CHI 115H - Chinese Culture
CHI 201H - Intermediate Chinese
CHI 277 - Special Topics in Chinese
CHI 377 - Special Topics in Chinese
CHI 397 - Independent Study in Chinese
CHY 110N - Elementary Chemistry
CHY 130N - General, Organic, Biochemistry for Health Sciences (GOB for Health Sciences)
CHY 141 - General Chemistry I
CHY 142 - General Chemistry II
CHY 241 - Organic Chemistry I
CHY 242 - Organic Chemistry II
CHY 277 - Special Topics
CHY 291 - Analytical Chemistry
CHY 374 - Biochemistry
CHY 377 - Special Topics
CHY 397 - Independent Study in Chemistry
CHY 477 - Special Topics in Chemistry
CHY 497 - Independent Study in Chemistry
COS 115 - Computing Across the Disciplines
COS 120 - Web Development
COS 140 - Introduction to Computer Science
COS 142 - Data Structures
COS 177 - Topics in Computer Science
COS 277 - Topics in Computer Science
COS 280 - Networking Using TCP/IP
COS 297 - Independent Study in Computer Science
COS 360 - Programming Language Concepts
COS 364 - Algorithm Design and Analysis
COS 372 - Computer Operating Systems
COS 377 - Intermediate Topics in Computer Science
COS 396 - Internship in Computer Science
COS 397 - Independent Study in Computer Science II
COS 455 - Database Systems
COS 470 - Computer Science Capstone Experience
COS 477 - Advanced Topics in Computer Science
COS 497 - Independent Study in Computer Science III
ECH 150 - Introduction and Observation in Early Childhood Education
ECH 192 - Introductory Practicum and Seminar in Early Childhood Education
ECH 201 - Language Development, Early Literacy, and Children's Literature
ECH 202 - Practicum and Seminar in K-8 Education
ECH 204 - Early Language Development, Literacy, and Children's Literature
ECH 232 - Social Science for the Young Child
ECH 250 - Infants and Toddlers: Development and Care
ECH 256 - Creative Arts and Technology for the Young Child
ECH 277 - Special Topics in Early Childhood Education
ECH 293 - Intermediate Practicum and Seminar in Early Childhood Education
ECH 333 - Reading, Language Arts, and Children's Literature in Grades K-3
ECH 336 - Development of Mathematical Concepts in Young Children
ECH 367 - Administration and Leadership of Early Childhood Programs
ECH 377 - Special Topics in Early Childhood Education
ECH 384 - Science Education for Young Children
ECH 397 - Independent Study in Early Childhood Education
ECH 402 - Diverse Programming in Early Childhood Environments
ECH 403 - Technology in Early Childhood Education
ECH 404 - Guidance in Early Childhood Education
ECH 405 - Assessment in Early Childhood Education
ECH 420 - Planning Environments for Young Children
ECH 430 - Theories of Learning and Curriculum Development
ECH 440 - Children, Families, and Communities
ECH 450 - Senior Seminar: Research in Early Childhood Education
ECH 460 - Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education K-3
ECH 477 - Special Topics in Early Childhood Education
ECH 490 - Internship in Early Childhood Education
ECO 101S - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 102S - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 228 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
ECO 230 - Behavorial Economics
ECO 260S - The Global Majority
ECO 277 - Special Topics in Economics
ECO 305 - International Economics
ECO 308 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECO 309 - Money and Banking
ECO 325 - Public Finance
ECO 377 - Special Topics in Economics
ECO 385 - Projects in Business and Economics
ECO 396 - Internship in Economics
ECO 397 - Independent Study in Economics
ECO 450 - Managerial Economics
ECO 477 - Special Topics in Economics
ECS 103 - Introduction to Teaching Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 205 - Addressing Developmental Differences in Young Children
ECS 207 - Supporting Social/Emotional Development in Inclusive Settings
ECS 275 - Intermediate Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 277 - Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 297 - Independent Study in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 372 - Instructional Strategies in ECSE Settings 1
ECS 373 - Advanced Practicum in Early Intervention
ECS 374 - Instructional Strategies in ECSE Settings 2
ECS 375 - Advanced Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 377 - Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 380 - Collaboration and Teaming within the ECSE Field
ECS 397 - Independent Study in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 404 - Supporting the Development of Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families in Natural Environments
ECS 476 - Assessment for Young Children At-Risk for Disability
ECS 477 - Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 479 - Internship/Student Teaching in Early Childhood Special Education
ECS 497 - Independent Study in Early Childhood Special Education
EDU 102 - Experiences of Schooling: Foundations of Diversity and Knowledge in American Education
EDU 103 - Diversity and Social Justice Education 7-12
EDU 125 - Introduction to Theory and Practice in K-8 Education
EDU 202 - Practicum and Seminar in K-8 Education
EDU 222 - Learning with Technology in Secondary Education
EDU 223 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
EDU 224 - Practicum Field Experience
EDU 277 - Topics in Education
EDU 280 - Diversity and Social Justice Education K-8
EDU 302 - Design and Technology in K-8 Education
EDU 304 - Science Education K-8
EDU 307 - Teaching English Language Learners in Secondary/Middle Schools
EDU 308 - Texts and Teaching
EDU 310 - Teaching English Language Learners, K-8
EDU 321 - Teaching Methods for Middle School Education
EDU 330 - Young Adult Literature
EDU 331 - Mathematics Education K-8
EDU 332 - Social Studies and Global Perspectives K-8
EDU 333 - Reading, Writing, Language Arts, and Children's Literature in Grades K-3
EDU 360 - Secondary/Middle Science Methods
EDU 361 - Methods for Teaching Secondary/Middle Mathematics
EDU 362 - Secondary/Middle Social Studies Methods
EDU 363 - Secondary/Middle English Methods
EDU 370 - Art in the Classroom K-8
EDU 377 - Topics in Education
EDU 379 - Field Experience in World Language Education
EDU 389 - Advanced Practicum and Seminar in K-8 Education
EDU 397 - Independent Study in Education
EDU 402 - Philosophy, History and Cultural Diversity of Education
EDU 420 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for English Language Learners
EDU 422 - Reading, Writing, Language Arts, and Children's Literature in Grades 4-8
EDU 450 - Student Teaching and Seminar in Elementary Education K-8
EDU 460 - Student Teaching and Seminar in Secondary/Middle Education
EDU 477 - Topics in Education
EDU 480 - Student Teaching and Seminar in World Language Education K-12
EDU 490 - Student Teaching and Seminar for Health Education K-12
ENG 100 - Writing Seminar
ENG 116 - Intro to Poetic Forms & Devices
ENG 121H - Introduction to Linguistics
ENG 123H - Grammar: A Linguistic Approach
ENG 130H - Tropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica
ENG 150 - Creative Writing
ENG 152 - Creative Writing for Non-Majors
ENG 181 - Literary Analysis and Interpretation
ENG 200 - Professional Writing
ENG 201 - Public Writing
ENG 202 - Editing
ENG 203 - Essentials of Publishing
ENG 204 - Studies in Book Arts
ENG 210 - Fiction Writing
ENG 211 - Poetry Writing
ENG 212 - Creative Nonfiction
ENG 213H - Journalism
ENG 214 - Screenwriting
ENG 215 - Writing for Children and Young Adults
ENG 218 - Writing for the Stage
ENG 219 - Digital and Immersive Storytelling: Creative Writing Across Mediums
ENG 220 - Nature Writing
ENG 224 - Teaching English as a Second Language
ENG 230 - Writing/Teaching of Writing
ENG 250H - Shakespeare
ENG 251H - British Texts and Contexts I
ENG 252H - British Texts and Contexts II
ENG 263H - Studies in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century American Literature
ENG 265H - African American Literature and Culture
ENG 267H - Twentieth-Century American Poetry
ENG 272H - American Texts and Contexts
ENG 277 - Topics in English
ENG 279H - Multicultural Literature and Film
ENG 280 - Video Games as Literature
ENG 286H - Studies in the Graphic Novel
ENG 288H - Topics in Literature and Gender
ENG 291H - Twentieth-Century Short Story
ENG 292H - Human Rights Literature and Film: Global Perspectives
ENG 293H - Literary Nonfiction
ENG 295H - Female Body in Western Culture
ENG 296H - Postcolonial Literature
ENG 300 - Critical Concepts
ENG 310 - Advanced Fiction Writing
ENG 311 - Advanced Poetry Writing
ENG 312 - Advanced Nonfiction Writing
ENG 314 - Advanced Screenwriting
ENG 344 - Eighteenth-Century English Literature
ENG 345 - Romantic Era
ENG 346 - Victorian Literature
ENG 350 - English Novel
ENG 362 - American Environmental Writing
ENG 366 - Early American Novel, 1780-1900
ENG 367 - "Why Should We Be So Furious" - War and Violence in Colonial and Early America
ENG 370 - The Splendid Drunken Twenties
ENG 377 - Advanced Topics in English
ENG 380 - Transatlantic Eighteenth-Century Women
ENG 382 - Popular Genres
ENG 383 - Video Games and Identity
ENG 396 - Writing Apprenticeship
ENG 397 - Independent Study in English
ENG 401 - Seminar in Writing
ENG 430 - Experimental Narrative in Video Games
ENG 449 - Twentieth-Century British Literature
ENG 455 - Literary Theory and Cultural Studies
ENG 462 - Philosophy and Modern American Literature
ENG 463 - Colonial Americas
ENG 477 - Seminar Topics in English
ENG 481 - Early European Literature
ENG 491 - Capstone Seminar in English
ENV 110N - Introductory Environmental Science
ENV 130N - Tropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica
ENV 232 - Landscape Ecology
ENV 257 - Soil Science
ENV 265 - Ecological Restoration
ENV 277 - Special Topics
ENV 294 - Forest Ecology and Conservation
ENV 377 - Special Topics
ENV 383 - Aquatic Ecology
ENV 390 - Environmental Science Internship
ENV 397 - Independent Study in Environmental Science
ENV 477 - Special Topics
ENV 482 - Theory and Methods of Scientific Inquiry
ENV 497 - Independent Study in Environmental Science
EPP 131S - Conservation and Environment
EPP 204 - Introduction to GIS
EPP 207 - Environmental Field Methods
EPP 231S - Environmental Issues
EPP 235 - Physical Geography
EPP 238S - Forest Management: Science, Institutions, and Communities
EPP 244S - Mobile Mapping and GIS
EPP 304 - Environmental GIS
EPP 310 - Sustainable Development
EPP 320 - Environment, Economy, Society
EPP 331 - Nature and Society
EPP 340 - Sustainable Land Use
EPP 343 - Community Planning
EPP 396 - Internship in Environmental Policy and Planning
EPP 397 - Independent Study in Environmental Planning and Policy
EPP 450 - Research in Environmental Policy and Planning
FRE 101H - Elementary French I
FRE 102H - Elementary French II
FRE 191 - Conversation at French Table
FRE 201H - Intermediate French
FRE 206H - Oral Communication and Culture
FRE 277 - Topics in French
FRE 300 - Advanced French for Communication
FRE 301 - French Film
FRE 302 - People & Cultures of the Francophone World
FRE 303 - People & Cultures of France
FRE 377 - Topics in French & Francophone Studies
FRE 397 - Independent Study in French
FYS 100 - First-Year Seminar
GEO 103S - Peoples and Environments
GEO 104S - Global Transformations
GEO 105S - Earth, Wind and Fire: The Geography of Natural Hazards
GEO 131S - Conservation and Environment
GEO 200S - Geographical Imaginations
GEO 204 - Introduction to GIS
GEO 207 - Environmental Field Methods
GEO 212S - Latin America: Peoples & Environments
GEO 214S - Asia: Peoples & Environments
GEO 219S - Geography of Maine
GEO 231S - Environmental Issues
GEO 235 - Physical Geography
GEO 238S - Forest Management: Science, Institutions, and Communities
GEO 244S - Mobile Mapping and GIS
GEO 265S - Climate Change and Society
GEO 277 - Topics in Geography
GEO 304 - Environmental GIS
GEO 310 - Sustainable Development
GEO 320 - Environment, Economy, Society
GEO 325 - Geography of Health and Disease
GEO 331 - Nature and Society
GEO 334 - Political Ecology
GEO 337 - Environmental Regulations
GEO 340 - Sustainable Land Use
GEO 343 - Community Planning
GEO 377 - Topics in Geography
GEO 396 - Internship in Geography or GIS
GEO 397 - Independent Study in Geography
GEO 450 - Research in Geography
GEO 477 - Topics in Geography
GEY 101N - Environmental Geoscience
GEY 102N - The Dynamic Earth
GEY 103N - The Earth System
GEY 104N - Oceans: Ancient and Modern
GEY 177 - Special Topics
GEY 201N - Earth History
GEY 202 - Mineralogy
GEY 203 - Surficial Processes
GEY 251 - Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
GEY 252 - Introduction to Petrology
GEY 254 - Structural Geology and Tectonics
GEY 277 - Special Topics
GEY 302 - Advanced Petrology
GEY 303 - Climate Change
GEY 304 - Geochemistry
GEY 377 - Special Topics
GEY 397 - Independent Study in Geology
GEY 477 - Special Topics in Geology
GEY 496 - Senior Research Project I
GEY 497 - Independent Study in Geology
GEY 499 - Senior Research Project II
HEA 101 - Health and Society
HEA 102 - Group Fitness Instructor Training
HEA 105 - Guns and Glory: Understanding Gun Violence and Public Health Prevention Measures in the USA
HEA 106 - Violence Across the Lifespan
HEA 120 - Emergency Medical Response/Principles and Practices
HEA 123 - Contemporary Health Issues
HEA 125 - Health and Wellness Around the Globe
HEA 200 - Athletic Injuries: Prevention and Emergency Response
HEA 203 - Theory and Practice for the Personal Trainer
HEA 210 - Environmental Health
HEA 211 - Substance Abuse Prevention
HEA 212 - Stress Management
HEA 218 - Health Communications and Theory
HEA 231 - Child and Adolescent Health
HEA 241 - Nutrition and Exercise
HEA 243 - Nutrition and Obesity
HEA 244 - Nutrition Care for Children
HEA 245 - Nutrition and Ecological Concerns
HEA 250 - Women's Health
HEA 251 - Men's Health
HEA 260 - Public Health Biology
HEA 262 - Human Sexuality
HEA 277 - Topics in Health
HEA 296 - Practicum in Community Health Education
HEA 297 - Independent Study in Health Education
HEA 303 - Physiology of Exercise
HEA 310 - Principles of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
HEA 350 - Principles of Epidemiology
HEA 377 - Topics in Health
HEA 397 - Independent Study in Health Education
HEA 410 - Resource Management and Grant Writing
HEA 411 - Planning for Health Promotion
HEA 477 - Topics in Health
HEA 495 - Field Experience in Community Health
HEA 496 - Senior Capstone Seminar in Health Education
HON 100 - Honors Writing Seminar
HON 101 - First Year Seminar in Honors
HON 120S - History Road Trip
HON 175S - World Affairs Camden Conference
HON 180N - Interdisciplinary Science
HON 190M - The Natural Beauty of Mathematics
HON 201 - Social Justice: Responsibility, Reciprocity, & Respect
HON 202 - Contemporary Issues in Education
HON 203 - Hollywood's Portrayal of Education
HON 204 - Testing,Testing: Past, Present, and Future
HON 275H - Style and Substance
HON 277 - Special Topics
HON 305 - Honors Enhancement
HON 306 - Religion and Colonialism
HON 322 - Consumerism, Politics, and Values
HON 340 - Children and Political Violence
HON 377 - Advanced Topics in Honors
HON 397 - Independent Study in Honors
HON 477 - Topics in Honors
HON 497 - Independent Study in Honors
HON 499 - Honors Thesis
HTY 103S - United States History I
HTY 104S - United States History II
HTY 110S - Global History I
HTY 111S - Global History II
HTY 200 - Approaches to History
HTY 204S - Introduction to Caribbean History
HTY 208S - History of the Cold War
HTY 209S - History of Slavery in America
HTY 212S - Renaissance and Reformation
HTY 213S - Medieval Europe
HTY 214S - Spain from 1000-1700
HTY 220S - Women & Gender in Premodern Europe
HTY 224S - Cultural History of Spain
HTY 230S - Colonial America
HTY 231S - Revolutionary America
HTY 232S - Civil War and Reconstruction
HTY 233S - America's Age of Expansion, 1783-1848
HTY 234S - American Presidents
HTY 238S - America Since 1945
HTY 240S - Maine History
HTY 242S - The Great Depression and New Deal
HTY 246S - US Women's History
HTY 247S - History of Canada
HTY 251S - American Legal History
HTY 253S - Muslim World to 1600
HTY 255S - History of Children in America
HTY 256S - Roman Empire
HTY 259S - Colonial Latin America
HTY 260S - Modern Latin America
HTY 261S - History of Mexico
HTY 262S - Undeclared Wars
HTY 263S - Cold War America
HTY 271S - History of Medicine
HTY 274S - Mediterranean World 1200 to 1700
HTY 277 - Topics in History
HTY 310 - Revolutions in the Atlantic World
HTY 332 - The Turbulent 1960s
HTY 353 - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
HTY 377 - Topics in History
HTY 390 - Research Methods
HTY 396 - Internship in History
HTY 397 - Independent Study in History
HTY 400 - Research Seminar
HTY 450 - History Thesis
HTY 477 - Topics in History
IGS 101H - Introduction to International & Global Studies%u2014Humanities
INS 100S - Introduction to International and Global Studies (Social Science)
INS 101H - Introduction to International & Global Studies (Humanities)
INS 277 - Topics in International and Global Studies
INS 280 - Explorations Abroad
INS 377 - Topics in International and Global Studies
INS 397 - Independent Study
INS 400 - Capstone in International and Global Studies
JPN 110 - Modern Japanese Society
LIA 100 - Readings in Liberal Education
LIA 102 - Intensive English
LIA 148 - College and Life Choices
LIA 156 - Setting Your Course
LIA 177 - Topics in Liberal Arts
LIA 396 - Field Work and Experience
LIA 397 - Independent Study in Liberal Arts
MAT 010 - Basic Math
MAT 011 - Basic Algebra
MAT 100M - Introduction to Mathematics
MAT 103M - Mathematical Content for Elementary School Teachers I
MAT 104M - Mathematical Content for Elementary School Teachers II
MAT 120M - Introductory Statistics
MAT 132M - Precalculus
MAT 141M - Calculus I
MAT 142 - Calculus II
MAT 151M - Mathematical Proof
MAT 197 - Independent Study in Mathematics
MAT 220 - Data Analysis
MAT 228 - Applied Statistics for Non-Math Majors
MAT 241 - Calculus III
MAT 242 - Differential Equations
MAT 251 - Linear Algebra
MAT 275 - History of Mathematics
MAT 277 - Elementary Topics in Mathematics
MAT 304 - College Geometry
MAT 313 - Introduction to Abstraction
MAT 325 - Interest Theory
MAT 328 - Statistical Models
MAT 333 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics
MAT 352 - Abstract Algebra
MAT 363 - Mathematical Problem Solving
MAT 371 - Mathematical Probability
MAT 377 - Intermediate Topics in Mathematics
MAT 381 - Actuarial Probability
MAT 396 - Internship in Mathematics
MAT 397 - Independent Study in Mathematics
MAT 404 - Real Analysis
MAT 477 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics
MAT 497 - Independent Study in Mathematics
MEP 100 - Introduction to Engineering
MUH 150A - Contemporary Music: Connections to the Past
MUH 177 - Topics in Music History
MUH 250A - The Piano: Music, People, Histories
MUH 252A - Beethoven and the Romantic Rebellion
MUH 260A - Jazz: Music, Race, and Culture
MUH 277 - Topics in Music History
MUH 280A - Music and Sound In Italy
MUH 352A - Music 900-1900: Histories, Perspectives, and Cultures
MUH 353A - Twentieth-Century Music and Beyond
MUH 377 - Topics in Music History
MUH 397 - Independent Study in Music History
MUH 450 - Music History Seminar
MUH 477 - Topics in Music History
MUH 497 - Independent Study
MUS 100A - The Creative Habit: Project 1
MUS 101A - Fundamentals of Music
MUS 110A - Chorus
MUS 113A - Instrumental Ensembles
MUS 120A - Beginning Applied Music
MUS 121A - Piano Class I
MUS 122A - Piano Class II
MUS 123A - Group Instrumental Lessons
MUS 124A - Group Voice Lessons
MUS 149A - Composing Music I
MUS 160A - Global Perspectives in Music
MUS 177 - Topics in Music
MUS 201A - Theory and Aural Skills I
MUS 202 - Theory and Aural Skills II
MUS 209A - Alternative Tunings
MUS 220A - Intermediate Applied Music
MUS 241A - Improvising Music
MUS 249 - Composing Music II
MUS 265A - Sound as Art
MUS 277 - Topics in Music
MUS 300A - Creative Arts Management: Project 2
MUS 305 - Advanced Composition
MUS 320 - Advanced Applied Music
MUS 349 - Composing Music III
MUS 377 - Topics in Music
MUS 396 - Performing Arts Internship or Field Work Experience
MUS 397 - Independent Study in Music
MUS 400A - The Creative Project: Project 3
MUS 477 - Topics in Music
MUS 497 - Independent Study in Music
MUS 499 - Senior Project in Composition or Theory
PEC 100 - Foundations of Coaching
PEC 211 - Coaching Methods
PEC 219 - Athletic Management and Administration
PEC 225 - Physical Training Theory and Applied Biomechanics
PEC 277 - Topics in Physical Education Coaching
PEC 296 - Practicum in Coaching
PEC 297 - Independent Study in Coaching
PEC 397 - Independent Study in Coaching
PHE 010 - Health and Fitness Activity
PHE 177 - Topics in Physical Education
PHE 277 - Topics in Physical Education
PHE 297 - Independent Study in Physical Education
PHE 377 - Topics in Physical Education
PHE 397 - Independent Study in Physical Education
PHI 100H - Critical Thinking
PHI 101H - Contemporary Moral Problems
PHI 102H - The Age of Science
PHI 105H - Philosophies to Live By
PHI 110H - Philosophy of Education
PHI 111H - Environmental Philosophy
PHI 115H - Truth, Lies, and BS
PHI 120H - What is the Good Life?
PHI 140H - Self, Knowledge, and Society
PHI 170H - Art and Ideas
PHI 180H - Music and Philosophy
PHI 200H - Logic and its Limits
PHI 201H - Ethics
PHI 204H - Biomedical Ethics
PHI 205H - Philosophy of Science and Technology
PHI 210H - Philosophy of Language
PHI 220H - Constructing Our World and Ourselves
PHI 240H - Consciousness and Reality
PHI 277 - Topics in Philosophy
PHI 377 - Selected Topics in Philosophy
PHI 397 - Independent Study in Philosophy
PHY 101N - Descriptive Astronomy
PHY 110N - Elementary Physics:(Topic)
PHY 112N - Introductory Meteorology
PHY 116 - Energy, Physics, and the Environment
PHY 141 - General Physics I
PHY 142 - General Physics II
PHY 241 - Modern Physics
PHY 277 - Special Topics
PHY 377 - Special Topics
PHY 397 - Independent Study in Physics
PHY 477 - Special Topics
PHY 497 - Independent Study in Physics
POS 101S - Introduction to American Government
POS 121S - Comparative Politics
POS 136S - World Politics
POS 151S - Classical Political Theory: Ancient Greece to the Enlightenment
POS 200S - Public Policy
POS 201S - Public Opinion, Interest Groups and Political Parties
POS 204S - American Foreign Policy
POS 205 - Practical Politics:Campaign Practicum
POS 207S - State and Maine Politics
POS 210S - Presidency and Congress
POS 214S - Law and the Legal System
POS 218S - Tanzania: Ecotourism & Environmental Activism
POS 220S - Environmental Politics
POS 223S - East European and Russian Politics
POS 224S - Chinese Politics
POS 226S - Islam and Politics
POS 227S - African Politics
POS 233S - War and Peace
POS 252S - Modern Political Theory
POS 255 - American Political Thought
POS 262S - Italian Political History
POS 264S - German Political History
POS 266S - The Politics of Germany and Italy
POS 267S - The Politics of France and Great Britain
POS 277 - Topics in Political Science
POS 302 - Civil Liberties
POS 319 - Constitutional Law
POS 321S - Identity Politics
POS 322S - The European Union
POS 336S - Globalization and Governance
POS 351 - Political Activism and Advocacy Practicum
POS 352S - Contemporary Political Theory
POS 377 - Topics in Political Science
POS 396 - Political Science Internship
POS 397 - Independent Study in Government
POS 440 - Political Science Capstone Experience
POS 477 - Topics in Political Science
PSY 101S - General Psychology
PSY 104S - Parenting the Young Child
PSY 105S - Personal Development and Psychological Well-Being
PSY 106 - Self-Determination: Theory and Practice
PSY 107 - Psychology of Video Games
PSY 111 - Adolescent Psychology
PSY 177 - Topics in Psychology
PSY 198 - Theory and Practice Seminar I
PSY 202S - Psychology in Cinema
PSY 208 - Social Psychology
PSY 209 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 211 - Psychology of Learning and Behavioral Change
PSY 220 - Psychology of Gender
PSY 222 - Creativity and Intelligence
PSY 225S - Child and Adolescent Development
PSY 226 - Adulthood and Aging
PSY 230 - Death and Dying
PSY 235 - Introduction to Counseling
PSY 237 - Career Counseling
PSY 247 - The Psychology of Leadership
PSY 252 - Positive Psychology
PSY 259 - Evolutionary Psychology
PSY 275 - Statistical Applications to Psychology
PSY 277 - Intermediate Topics in Psychology
PSY 284 - Professional Seminar
PSY 298 - Theory and Practice Seminar II
PSY 300 - Transpersonal and Eastern Psychology
PSY 302 - Sensation and Perception
PSY 305 - Ethical Principles in Counseling
PSY 314 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY 315 - Physiological Psychology
PSY 317 - I/O: Personnel Psychology
PSY 327 - Diversity and Multiculturalism
PSY 329 - Child and Family Counseling and Psychopathology
PSY 347 - The Psychology of Persuasion
PSY 349 - Couples Therapy
PSY 350 - Personality Theory and Research
PSY 360 - Group Psychotherapy
PSY 377 - Advanced Topics in Psychology
PSY 380 - Seminar in Psychology: Autism
PSY 396 - Field Experience in Psychology
PSY 397 - Independent Study and Research in Psychology
PSY 398 - Theory and Practice Seminar III
PSY 400 - Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 425 - Sex Therapy
PSY 435 - Psychotherapeutic Methods
PSY 440 - Psychology and Law
PSY 455 - Crisis Intervention and Stabilization
PSY 477 - Specialized Topics in Psychology
PSY 480 - Advanced Autism
PSY 484 - Senior Seminar
PSY 496 - Internship in Psychology
PSY 499 - Senior Thesis
REC 103 - Principles and Practices of the River Industry
REC 104 - Principles and Practices of Camping and Hiking
REC 105 - Principles and Practices of the Golf Industry
REC 106 - Principles and Practices of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in Maine
REC 107 - Principles and Practices of Adventure Education
REC 132 - Recreation of Western Maine
REC 133 - Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management
REC 177 - Topics in Recreation
REC 277 - Topics in Recreation
REC 297 - Independent Study in Recreation
REC 377 - Topics in Recreation
REC 397 - Independent Study in Recreation
REH 110 - Introduction to Disability Studies
REH 112 - Lunatics, Lock-ups, and Lobotomies
REH 120 - Introduction to Social Services
REH 200 - Counseling and the Helping Relationship
REH 212 - Rehabilitation and Families
REH 215 - Writing, Research, and Evidence-based Practice in Rehabilitation
REH 220 - Multiculturalism
REH 222 - Mindfulness in the Helping Profession
REH 230 - Surviving and Thriving as Human Service Professionals
REH 240 - Expressive Arts Therapy
REH 242 - Animal Assisted Therapy
REH 249 - Psychiatric Rehabilitation
REH 250 - Introduction to Addiction
REH 270 - Vocational Counseling and Placement
REH 277 - Topics in Rehabilitation
REH 297 - Independent Study in Rehabilitation
REH 305 - Group Process in Human Services
REH 310 - Casework
REH 340 - Advanced Addiction Rehabilitation
REH 375 - Research Methods
REH 377 - Topics in Rehabilitation
REH 380 - Seminar in Professional Practice
REH 381 - Grantwriting
REH 395 - Practicum in Rehabilitation and Human Services
REH 397 - Independent Study in Rehabilitation
REH 420 - Trauma and Resiliency
REH 477 - Topics in Rehabilitation
REH 480 - Undergraduate Thesis in Rehabilitation
REH 495 - Internship in Rehabilitation and Human Services
REH 497 - Independent Study and Research in Rehabilitation
REL 100H - Introduction to the Study of Religion
REL 110H - Introduction to World Religions
REL 245 - Religion and the Making of American Identity
REL 250H - Mythology
REL 277 - Topics in Religion
REL 345 - Early Christian Literature
REL 377 - Topics in Religion
REL 397 - Independent Study in Religion
SCI 101N - Science Laboratory
SED 100 - Introduction to Special Education
SED 106 - Sign Language
SED 177 - Topics in Special Education
SED 209 - Practicum in Special Education
SED 210 - Assessment in Special Education
SED 215 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Classroom Management in Special Education
SED 216 - Universal Design for Learning
SED 222 - Understanding Students with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
SED 277 - Topics in Special Education
SED 301 - Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction in Special Education
SED 307 - Mathematics Methods in Special Education
SED 314 - Content Area Literacy Methods in Special Education
SED 320 - Transition, Advocacy, and Self-Determination
SED 360 - Teaching Children with Learning and Behavior Problems in the Regular Classroom
SED 361 - Teaching Students with Disabilities and At-Risk Conditions in the Secondary General Classroom
SED 377 - Topics in Special Education
SED 397 - Independent Study in Special Education
SED 409 - Advanced Practicum in Special Education
SED 419 - Assistive and Instructional Technology in Special Education
SED 429 - Individualized Positive Behavior Supports
SED 450 - Special Education Regulations and Practice
SED 460 - Student Teaching and Seminar in Special Education
SED 477 - Topics in Special Education
SHE 233 - Teaching Health in Elementary School
SHE 277 - Topics in School Health Education
SHE 330 - Foundations of School Health Education
SHE 377 - Topics in School Health Education
SHE 397 - Independent Study in School Health Education
SHE 433 - Curriculum and Methods in Health Education
SHE 477 - Topics in School Health Education
SKI 120 - Orientation to Alpine Operations
SKI 122 - Theory of Ski Instruction
SKI 124 - Ski Instruction Children (PSIA children level 1)
SKI 125 - Ski Instruction Adults (PSIA Adults level 1)
SKI 177 - Topics in Alpine Operations
SKI 197 - Independent Study in Alpine Operations
SKI 201 - Outdoor Emergency Care Certification
SKI 202 - Level II Professional Ski Instructors of America Preparation
SKI 277 - Topics in Alpine Operations
SKI 296 - Practicum in Alpine Operations
SKI 297 - Independent Study in Alpine Operations
SKI 396 - Internship in Alpine Operations
SOC 101S - Introduction to Sociology
SPA 101H - Elementary Spanish I
SPA 102H - Elementary Spanish II
SPA 201H - Intermediate Spanish
SPA 202H - Readings and Composition
SPA 206H - Oral Communication and Culture
SPA 277 - Topics in Spanish
SPA 300 - Advanced Spanish for Communication
SPA 301 - Hispanic Film
SPA 302 - People and Cultures of Latin America
SPA 303 - People and Cultures of Spain
SPA 377 - Topics in Spanish
SPA 397 - Independent Study in Spanish
TEC 101 - Introduction to Excel VBA
TEC 102 - Introduction to SQL
TEC 103 - Introduction to Python
TEC 104 - Introduction to R
TEC 105 - Data Visualization with Tableau
TEC 106 - Intermediate Excel for Business
TEC 107 - Data Analysis Using Excel
THE 100A - The Creative Habit: Project 1
THE 115A - Improvisation as Acting Technique
THE 117A - Contemporary American Theatre
THE 122A - Introduction to Scenic and Lighting Design
THE 177 - Topics in Theatre
THE 202A - Space Lab and Performance
THE 212A - Play Structure and Analysis
THE 242A - Costume Design
THE 252A - Directing Contemporary Theatre I
THE 260A - Language of Performance
THE 264A - Art and Social Change
THE 271A - Making Original Performance
THE 275A - Social & Political Theatre and Film
THE 277 - Topics in Theatre
THE 278A - Commedia dell'arte
THE 291A - History of Performance as Experiment
THE 300A - Creative Arts Management: Project 2
THE 352 - Directing Contemporary Theater II
THE 377 - Special Topics in Theatre
THE 396 - Performing Arts Internship or Field Work Experience
THE 397 - Independent Study in Theatre
THE 400A - The Creative Project: Project 3
THE 477 - Topics in Theatre
THE 497 - Independent Study in Theatre
WST 101S - Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
WST 249 - Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies
WST 266H - The Female Body in Western Culture
WST 267 - Gender and the Cultures of Globalization
WST 277 - Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
WST 297 - Independent Study in Women's and Gender Studies
WST 330 - Topics in Contemporary Feminist Thought
WST 377 - Special Topics in Women's and Gender Studies
WST 396 - Internship in Women's and Gender Studies
WST 397 - Advanced Independent Study in Women's and Gender Studies
See other years' Catalogs