University of Maine at Farmington 2021-2022 Catalog

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Academic Integrity at UMF

Students and faculty at UMF are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity.  

The standards of academic integrity and the procedures for handling violations of the standards are explained in the University of Maine System policy statement, which can be found here.
As articulated in our Mission Statement (which can be found here), UMF encourages students to be active citizens in a campus community that helps them find and express with confidence their own voices, teaches them the humility to seek wisdom from others, and prepares them for ongoing explorations of how knowledge can be put to use for their personal benefit and the common good.  Integral to our shared experience is academic integrity.  As such, we the students and faculty of UMF dedicate ourselves to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity.  As members of the UMF community, as well as the broader community of seekers of knowledge and truth, we affirm academic integrity as a central value because we recognize the following:
HONESTY: The purpose of education is to attain knowledge and develop skills, and this purpose is achieved only through academically honest work. When students create academically dishonest assignments, they do not receive the full benefits of their courses; moreover, they prevent instructors from accurately gauging the capabilities of their students and, thus, prevent instruction from being offered at an effective level.
TRUST: Education flourishes in a climate of trust. Students, in devoting time and energy to their academic assignments, need to know that their peers are not seeking an unfair advantage over them, and instructors, in devoting careful attention to their students' work, need to know that the work is that of their students. Only academically honest actions establish and sustain trust among students and between students and faculty.
RESPECT: Education flourishes in a climate of respect for intellectual and artistic labor, and the rigorous adherence to the standards of academic integrity, especially the conventions for acknowledging one's use of others' words and ideas, is essential to such a climate.
REPUTATION: The reputation of UMF and the value of a UMF diploma depend on the genuine accomplishments of UMF graduates and, thus, on the academic integrity of the entire UMF community.
By steadfastly adhering to the highest standards of academic integrity, we strive for excellence and fashion ourselves true leaders.

Please use the following resources regarding academic integrity:

Faculty Academic Integrity Reporting Form 

Academic Integrity Student Response Form


Plagiarism Tutorial

Suggestions for Upholding Academic Integrity 






See other years' Catalogs