When a student drops a course, the course is erased from the student's transcript. Charges for courses that are dropped during the first two weeks of a semester will be canceled (please see academic calendar for specific deadline). After the published deadline, no adjustments to charges are generally made.
Late drops are granted infrequently and only during the first half of a semester. The student must demonstrate that there are extenuating circumstances (e.g., serious illness, family tragedy, etc.) and that they are documented.
Requests must be in the form of a typed letter, signed and dated, and must address the following information:
1) What course or courses are involved?
2) What are the circumstances leading to this request?
3) What prevented a timely withdrawal by the university's deadline?
4) Where is the documentation housed, if not appended to the request (e.g., Student Health Center or Center for Human Development)?
Requests are submitted to the Merrill Center.