Courses which may be taken for a pass/fail rather than a letter grade are noted as P/F Option in the UMF Catalog, subject to the restrictions explained in this section. Only students with junior or senior standing may elect the pass/fail option. They may do so for only one course per semester in addition to any courses which are graded pass/fail for all students.
No more than three courses for pass/fail grades may be taken by a student in the major without the approval of the student's faculty advisor and the division chairperson. Students who have not declared majors are limited to no more than three pass/fail option courses in the discipline represented by the faculty advisor.
A student who chooses to take a course which has the pass/fail option will notify the Merrill Center during the drop period if he or she does not want a letter grade. A student who initially selects the P/F option may switch to the graded option on or before the final day for course withdrawal. Once made, this decision cannot be changed. A-B-C-D-F grades turned in by professors will be converted into pass (A to C-), low pass (D, D, D-), and fail (F) for those students who have made a request to the Merrill Center.
Courses taken for pass/fail credit (except those courses which are graded pass/fail for all students in that course) may not be repeated for pass/fail credit. They may be repeated with the second grade replacing the first, but only for A-B-C-D-F credit. When pass/fail grading is used, no further grades such as honors or high pass or low pass will be given.