University of Maine at Farmington 2021-2022 Catalog

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Grades: Incompletes
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An Incomplete grade is a privilege granted by a faculty member in response to extraordinary circumstances; it should not be seen by students as the normal response to missing work.

The instructor has the authority to decide whether to give a student an Incomplete if all course work is not turned in by the time grades are due. As a general rule, an incomplete is assigned only in extenuating circumstances and the missing work constitutes less than one-third of the required work for the course.

When posting a grade of Incomplete, the instructor shall specify the work to be completed and the deadline by which it is to be completed. The instructor also will assign a default grade for the course. The default grade is the grade the student would earn based only on the completed work.

The maximum time allowed to complete the work is the end of the exam period of the semester immediately after the semester or term in which the class was held. When the missing work is completed, the instructor shall promptly submit a change of grade for the semester in which the class was held, changing the Incomplete to the appropriate letter grade by the grade submission deadline.  If the student does not resolve the incomplete in the established timeframe, the course grade converts to the default grade.

If a course syllabus specifies that work may extend beyond the semester or term in which the course is offered, students may be assigned a progress grade designated by the letter grade DG, which will remain on the grade record until the final grade is submitted.  All DG grades must be converted to final grades to complete graduation requirements.

See other years' Catalogs