Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal
Probation and suspension decisions are made at the end of the fall semester and at the end of the spring semester. May term and summer term grades do not change academic standing or probation status until after the following fall semester; winter term grades do not change academic standing or probation status until after the following spring semester.
Academic Probation
When a student's cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 but does not lead to suspension, the student is placed on academic probation. In addition, a student who is referred to the Academic Standards Committee for possible suspension but who is not suspended will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. Finally, a student who is readmitted to UMF following an academic suspension will be placed on probation for his or her first semester of attendance. Students on probation must earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or above and may not take Incomplete grades. They may also be required by the Associate Provost to meet additional conditions for continued enrollment. To be removed from probation, a student must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.
Academic Suspension
When a student’s academic performance does not meet certain minimum conditions for continued enrollment, he or she will be reviewed for suspension by the Academic Standards Committee. The Academic Standards Committee will make a recommendation to the Associate Provost about whether to suspend a student in the following circumstances:
The student earns a semester GPA below 1.0 in any given semester (regardless of probation status).
The student receives one or more Incomplete grades while on academic probation.
The student earns a semester GPA below 2.0 while on academic probation.
The student fails to satisfy conditions imposed by the Associate Provost for continued enrollment.
Students being considered for suspension will receive notification by mail and e-mail. Students who do not request a hearing with the Academic Standards Committee will be suspended automatically. A student who wishes to discuss his or her academic situation with the Academic Standards Committee prior to its recommendation must schedule an appointment for a hearing and submit a formal statement detailing the factors leading to his or her academic difficulties and outlining a specific plan of action to address problem areas. The Academic Standards Committee will make suspension recommendations to the Associate Provost on a case-by-case-basis and may also recommend that students not suspended be required to meet conditions for continued enrollment. In cases where the Academic Standards Committee recommends suspension or conditions for continued enrollment, students may appeal to the Associate Provost.
Readmission and Dismissal
Students who have been suspended ordinarily may not enroll in any UMF courses until they have been readmitted. Normally a student who is suspended may not apply for readmission to UMF for a period of 12 months. A student who is suspended for a second time may not apply for readmission for five years. (For further information, see Readmission Policy in the Admission section of the UMF Catalog.) Students who are suspended for a third time are permanently dismissed from the university and may not apply for readmission.