University of Maine at Farmington 2015-2016 Catalog
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Graduation Requirements
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Residency Requirement

All students in baccalaureate degree programs must earn a minimum of 20 credits in their major from UMF, and earn either their final 32 credits or 48 of their final 64 credits from UMF. This requirement may be waived under special circumstances by the provost or a designee of the provost. Courses taken from another institution as part of the National Student Exchange or approved study abroad programs are counted toward the residency requirement.

This policy applies to all transfer students, including those transferring from within the UMS.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Completion of at least 128 credits and other requirements of the specific program (see descriptions of each major), with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)

Completion of at least 128 credits and other requirements for specific program, with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.

Bachelor of General Studies: Education Studies (B.G.S.)

Completion of a minimum of 128 credits and other requirements specific to the program, with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5. This degree is designed for students previously enrolled in one of UMF's teacher education programs who realize that they no longer wish to pursue teacher certification. Students will complete extensive coursework in education, as well as in an additional discipline outside education. Students interested in pursuing this degree should contact Kathy Yardley, Associate Provost and Dean of Education.

Uncompleted Work

All uncompleted course work must be finished before a student may graduate. No student may graduate with grades of I, DG, or MG on the transcript.

See other years' Catalogs