University of Maine at Farmington 2021-2022 Catalog

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Re-entry to the University
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Students who have been separated from the university for a continuous period of 2 or more years will be held to the catalog requirements of their year of reentry. Students who reenter after a separation of less than 2 years may choose if they would prefer to reenter under the catalog of their original year of matriculation or the catalogue of their reentry year.

When a student seeks to re-enter the University of Maine at Farmington (UMF) after a period of absence of more than two years, readmission into her/his former major is not automatic. Approval must be obtained from the division chair. Courses that are more than seven years old are not automatically applied to the major; rather, a course-by-course analysis will be made by the division to determine whether the course content is still appropriate to meet program requirements.

Students who have withdrawn from UMF or who have been suspended and who wish to seek reentry should consult the Merrill Center for advice on the procedure to be followed.

See other years' Catalogs