University of Maine at Farmington 2016-2017 Catalog
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Board of Trustees, University of Maine System
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Samuel W. Collins, Chair President, S.W. Collins Company Caribou
Jason E. Coombs University of Maine at Augusta Brunswick
John M. B. Craig former acting President of Unity College Waterville
James O. Donnelly Executive Vice President, Machias Savings Bank Brewer
James Erwin Pierce Atwood, LLP Portland
Norman L. Fournier Executive Director, Fish River Rural Health Wallagrass
Mark R. Gardner President & Chief Executive Officer, Sappi Fine Paper Boston
M. Michelle Hood President & CEO, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems Brewer
Gregory G. Johnson ADM, USN-Ret & founder, Snow Ridge Associates Harpswell
Kevin P. McCarthy President & CEO, UNUM US Portland
Shawn H. Moody President, Moody's Collision Centers Gorham
Sarah E. Newell Attorney at Eaton Peabody Winterport
Bonnie D. Newsom Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Penobscot Nation Eddington
Theresa A. Sutton Vice President of Client Success at CashStar Cumberland
Karl W. Turner Former Maine State Senator Cumberland

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